Chapter 1929

She kindly applied the medicine to herself, while thinking that she probably took some weird medicine to torture herself on purpose, so she simply closed her eyes and waited for the medicine to take effect, like a lamb waiting to be slaughtered.

Mo Lange wiped off his bloody palms, tilted his head to look at him, a wicked smile appeared on his delicate face.

Well, the little toy is interesting again.

The chariot walked very smoothly, and Didudu resigned himself to his fate, and fell asleep just like that.

When he woke up, Mo Lange was looking out the window with his chin resting on his chin in boredom, and the chariot was no longer moving.

"Is it there?"

Seeing that he was awake, Mo Lange turned around and got out of the car without saying a word.

Di Dudu was in a daze for a moment, and a thought flashed in his mind, could it be that she was deliberately waiting for him to wake up?
Mo Lange's voice sounded from outside: "Aren't you going to get down?"

When Di Dudu jumped out of the car, he staggered a bit. The people who came to welcome Mo Lange saw the blood on his back and his pale face, and guessed his identity in their hearts.

Recently, the Mo people are spreading rumors that the little princess got a beloved toy, probably this boy?

Mo Lange has already taken the lead to go inside: "Lead him down and change into clean clothes, then roll over and serve me."

"Yes, Miss Fourth."

People here don't call her little princess, but politely call her Fourth Miss, which shows that this is a relatively important place for the Mo people.

Soon someone took Di Dudu to change clothes.

These days, Di Dudu was sent by Mo Lange to conduct devil training, just to satisfy the little witch's curiosity of looking at her abdominal muscles.

At this moment, his body was well-proportioned and slender, and an ordinary servant uniform of the Mo tribe was worn by him with a sense of high-end.Coupled with the facial features inherited from Di Kongxuan and the temperament that is [-]% similar to Duanmuyi, he already has a peerless beauty at a young age.

On the way to send him to see Mo Lange, someone murmured, "You look so good-looking, so you can't be the little princess's confinement?"

"Didn't you see the injury on his back? I heard that the little princess beat him up and scolded him. Which prisoner have you seen treated like this? What's more, he is a sinner named by the young patriarch to be strictly guarded."

The corners of Di Dudu's mouth curled up, a little mockingly.

This is an intelligence post set up by the Mo clan.

Although Mo Lange is young, she has already shown her talent in intelligence. With her keen observation and excellent judgment, she has gained a lot of benefits for the Mo people, both overtly and secretly.

Coming here this time is also a routine inspection.

Elder Mo Huan is now the main person in charge of the intelligence village, and Mo Lange learned something from him, and he is considered a half-disciple.

Today, Mo Lange is a little absent-minded, and his eyes drift out of the window from time to time.

Elder Mo Huan didn't think much about it, he thought she had other things to do, so he said, "Xiao Si, if you have something to do, go and do it."

When he found out, Mo Lange's eyes paused, but he sat down firmly: "It's nothing, elder, go ahead, I'm listening."

Why isn't that little trash here?
Di Dudu got lost, and the two who led the way were called away halfway, probably thinking that Di Dudu had lost all his spiritual power and there was no threat, so he casually pointed out the way for him to go there by himself.

Although the intelligence village is not very big, it is winding and winding, and there are formations in some places. He didn't pay attention and stepped into a plum blossom formation.

After hesitating for a moment, he decided not to leave.

(End of this chapter)

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