Chapter 1931

He opened his eyes, sat up slowly, didn't know if he was drowsy or something, and suddenly said: "I'm not allowed to sleep at night, so what if I catch up on sleep during the day?"

Mo Lange looked at him like a fool, and raised his voice: "How dare you talk back?!"

Di Dudu was silent.

The two sides were speechless, and after a while, Mo Lange found that he still liked the way he talked back.

"Why don't you talk, are you a saw-mouth gourd?"

Di Dudu felt that his patience in this life was about to run out: "What do you want me to say?"

Mo Lange sat down next to him, and said, "You look a lot like someone I hate."

Di Dudu: "...In the entire Xuanye Continent, is there anyone you don't hate?"

Mo Lange choked for a moment, and said as a matter of course: "Yes, I don't dislike the three elder brothers, and the elders are also very good."

Di Dudu smiled "Heh", apparently ignoring her.

"Hey, little trash—" Mo Lange paused and asked, "What's your name?"

"Di Zhao."

Dudu is his nickname, and his parents are used to calling him, but his real name is actually Zhao, Zhao Zhao, the Zhao of the sun, the moon, and the heaven and earth.

Mo Lange paused and said, "Your surname is Emperor?"

Di Dudu raised his eyebrows: "You don't know?"

"So you are Di Kongxuan's son?" Mo Lange's face was a little distorted.

Di Dudu was at a loss: "Didn't Mo Lingyu tell you?"

"It's really annoying! You father and son are equally annoying!" Mo Lange raised his hand to slap him, but his wrist paused in mid-air, then suddenly turned around, and slapped the wound on his back.

The wound that had finally formed a scab suddenly burst open again.

Di Dudu cried out in pain, his mind went blank.

So is that annoying person in her mouth really his father?Woooooo, Dad, you are really good at cheating your son.


Di Kongxuan, who sneaked into the main city of the Mo tribe in disguise, sneezed unexpectedly.

Duanmuyi withdrew his gaze from looking at the main city, and looked at him: "Caught a cold?"

Di Kongxuan rubbed his nose, and said helplessly, "I haven't caught a cold since the Golden Core Stage."

"Oh, but you have been poisoned and turned into an idiot before." Duanmuyi stated a fact lightly.

Di Kongxuan: "..."

"Seriously, are you sure Mo Yeyu can receive the news?" Duanmu returned to the subject.

Before entering the city, Di Kongxuan used space magic to send news to Mo Yeyu.The two of them were not so overconfident. Before they found Di Dudu, they still had to be extremely careful in the main city of the Mo tribe.

Di Kongxuan nodded and said: "I will send the news to his residence, and he will receive it once he returns to his room. Let's find a place to live first."

Duanmu could only do this, the two walked and watched, and found that the Mo people were very lively today, as if they were celebrating some kind of festival.

It wasn't until a certain storyteller in the teahouse made a fuss that he finally understood that today is the Ascension Festival of the Mo tribe, and it is a day to celebrate the ascension of Mo Yue, the ancestor of the Mo tribe thousands of years ago.

The seven major tribes have ascended one after another, and the days are naturally different, but they are roughly the same.

The entire continent, including the Mo people, celebrated this day as a festival.

There was an ordinary-looking inn not far ahead, and the two of them were planning to go there when they suddenly saw a thin figure kicked out of a silk shop next to the inn.

(End of this chapter)

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