Chapter 1933

He said to the shopkeeper kneeling at the entrance of the silk and satin village: "The dogs you raise seem to be tired of working, dare to attack the princess's people?"

The shopkeeper never expected that a boy who has been reduced to "trash", "forbidden" and "plaything" in the population of the Mo people could also provoke the protection of this little witch. I kept pleading guilty, and didn't dare to fart one more.

Mo Lange felt that it was extremely boring, so he said, "Find some clean clothes and send them to the inn next door."

After she finished speaking, she raised her hand and pulled Di Dudu's collar, then dragged him into the inn next door and asked for a room.

Di Dudu: "..."

It's easy to get people thinking wrong, hey!

After they came out of the information shop, Mo Lange said that today is the Ascension of the Spirits Festival, and he wanted to go shopping in the street, and said that he had ordered clothes at the silk and satin shop, and asked Di Dudu to pick them up.

As soon as Di Dudu entered the silk and satin shop, before he had time to speak, he bumped into a fellow.The guy had delivered clothes to the Mo clan's mansion several times, and recognized Di Dudu, he yelled for someone to come and beat him out.

It's really an unwarranted disaster, ah, he doesn't even know it!

Di Dudu felt that he was very unlucky, but he didn't know that his parents, who had witnessed the whole process at the street corner, were both messed up at the moment.

"Then... who is that girl?" Duanmu was at a loss.

But Di Kongxuan knew it, not only did he know it, but he also had a lot of troubles. Back then, he was in a dangerous situation of the Mo tribe, and he was able to escape only by kidnapping this little girl.

Moreover, she knocked people out in the end, but almost exposed her whereabouts again because of the Rong Mohua on her body, which can be described as twists and turns.

"That girl, it's not a fuel-efficient lamp." Di Kongxuan talked about the previous festival.

Mo Zhanfeng suddenly popped out of the spirit ring, took a peeping look, and then said cheerfully: "Then you are finished, this little ancestor is famous for holding grudges, you can just kidnap her, and dare to fight her!" Dizzy her, I'm afraid she hates you now, and even your son will be implicated."

Duanmuyi recalled the situation just now, but no matter how he looked at it, he felt that the little princess of the Mo clan was protecting her son.

Since Di Dudu's life is not in danger for the time being, Duanmuyi also put his heart back in his stomach, and decided to open two rooms in the inn across the street and keep guard at all times.

Unexpectedly, those two little fellows never left the inn again, and they even saw the maid going downstairs to find the waiter to deliver food, so it was obvious that they were going to stay here for one night.

Duanmuyi stood by the window in silence for a moment, stroked his chin and asked, "Ah Xuan, what do you think if this girl becomes our daughter-in-law?"

"..." Di Kongxuan didn't know what the turning point was in her thinking, so he immediately talked about his daughter-in-law.

He choked for a moment, and said slowly, "Why are you in such a hurry?"

"Emotional education should start with babies." The more Duanmuyi thought about it, the more reasonable he became, he turned his head and sat down opposite Di Kongxuan, and said seriously, "I think our son's emotional intelligence is not very high. It's his little aunt, Hu Yuexi, how can I get a wife from now on?"

Di Kongxuan pursed his lips, and said half helplessly and half dotingly: "He is still young, so he will naturally understand in the future."

Duanmuyi absolutely refused to ignore matters related to his son, so he decided to steal someone at night... No, stealing his son, he had to ask him face to face.

(End of this chapter)

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