Chapter 1935

Di Dudu showed a smile: "Daddy taught me since I was a child to learn to protect my mother. Although I am not strong enough now, I must exercise more. Is there any danger in the way of cultivation?"

Dikongxuan looked at Duanmuyi.

"What do you think I'm doing!" Duanmu said angrily, "You don't know how to educate your own son?"

"Actually, I think..." Before Di Kongxuan finished speaking, Duanmu slammed the door angrily and left.

The father and son looked at each other in blank dismay in the room. After a while, Di Dudu touched his nose: "Mother is angry."

"Well, it's obvious that you caused the trouble." Di Kongxuan resolutely threw the blame away.

Di Dudu: "..." Dad, is it really okay for you to be like this?
After a moment of silence, Di Kongxuan asked: "Have you really thought it through?"

Di Dudu nodded: "For now, if I follow you, the most likely result is to anger the Mo people. Even if there is a battle between the seven major tribes, the six major tribes must not be ready now, and it may be inappropriate to start a war rashly." .If we can find the skull before the Mo people, then the chances of winning will be greater."

"Have you ever thought about it, if you do something wrong with the Mo clan, or if you are used as a hostage, your mother and I will also be constrained." Di Kongxuan said.

Di Dudu was silent for a moment, then said, "No."

Di Kongxuan looked at him, but Di Dudu turned his face away with a troubled expression.

After a while, he said as if affirming himself: "It will definitely not, Daddy, I guarantee that I will not be in danger."

"What are you going to do?"

Di Dudu said: "Please, Daddy, seal my spiritual power again."

Dikongxuan understood what he was going to do, without saying a word, he raised his hand and patted several of his meridians twice, and soon, his spiritual power had just returned to normal, and he lay dormant again, without feeling the slightest fluctuation .

"The sealing method I use is different from that of the Mo family. I have tried my best to imitate it. Others can't see it, but if the three brothers of the Mo family can find it out." Di Kongxuan said calmly, "You can figure it out. In addition, I left a kindling seed of the spiritual fire of the seal in your body, and when I realize that your life is in danger, the kindling seed will explode automatically, unlocking the seal on your body, and you can take the opportunity to escape."

Di Dudu nodded, and said earnestly, "Thank you, Dad."

Di Kongxuan waved his hand impatiently: "Go away, brat, I still have to comfort your mother."

Didudu burst out laughing, and opened the door, only to see Duanmuyi standing at the door.


Duanmu hugged him into his arms, rubbed his hair, and said bitterly: "My son has grown up, and he is really not obedient at all."

Di Dudu smiled, knowing that his mother was hard-hearted, so he raised his head and said, "Dudu always listens to mother's words. But this time, Dudu wants to make a breakthrough by himself."

"You..." Duanmuyi originally wanted to ask something, but seeing his son's clean eyes, he swallowed it back and said, "Be careful in everything."

When Di Dudu left the inn, it was already light. He looked at the opposite inn, fell silent for a moment, and walked along the street.

Mo Lange woke up very early that day, and for some reason, she hasn't slept well since last night.

She originally wanted to torment Di Dudu, but when she thought that Di Dudu had just been injured this afternoon, and she didn't know which muscle was wrong, she chose not to bother him.

(End of this chapter)

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