Chapter 1945

The next day, the news of Mo Lingyu's escape from prison was sent back to Xuanye College.

Duanmuyi, who had just returned to the college, was shocked by the news before he had time to give his son psychological counseling.

In order to prevent the Mo clan from besieging Xuanye College in a desperate manner, Mo Lingyu was specially imprisoned in a secret room under the mountain of the Shengling clan.

Or was he running away?

"It is said that someone came to rescue him. The person who came here had a high level of cultivation. Our guards couldn't even release the warning, so they all died."

Duanmuyi and Dikongxuan looked at each other, wondering how many hidden dragons and crouching tigers still exist in Xuanye Continent.

Di Dudu had almost recovered his mood, and said, "Father, mother, you go to the meeting, I'm fine. I heard that the godfather is in the Spirit Hall? I'll go find him."

After finishing speaking, before Duanmuyi agreed, he ran away.

Duanmuyi was a little worried: "Dudu obviously has something on his mind."

"My son is getting older, so he has to worry about something." Di Kongxuan patted her on the shoulder, and dragged her to the meeting room.

There was no result in the discussion. Although the Mo tribe was hit now, they were still centipedes dead and not dead, and the six major tribes were in a stalemate with them.

Sure enough, Mo Lingyu reappeared in the Mo clan, and as the young patriarch, he officially provoked the leader of the Mo clan.

Mo Yeyu contradicted the young patriarch at the meeting, and was ordered by Mo Lingyu on the spot to be expelled from the Mo clan for the crime of treason.

"Second brother!" After learning the news, Mo Lange sent someone to chase Mo Yeyu back, and at the same time went to find Mo Lingyu himself, "Although the third brother is weak, he is also of the blood of the Mo clan, what do you say? Exile is exile?"

Mo Lingyu was reviewing the official documents in the study room, and he was so busy that he saw her questioning himself with this, and lost his temper for a while: "He dared to say such nonsense about negotiating peace with the six major tribes, isn't he still a traitor! Earlier he So I let Di Kongxuan and Duanmuyi go again and again, I have already seen that he has a different intention."

Although Mo Lange also said angry words, but he still has family affection for Mo Yeyu, so he couldn't help but begged again.

Mo Lingyu suddenly put down his pen and looked up at her: "Is the skull in your hand?"

"What?" Mo Lange froze for a moment.

"They said they couldn't find the skull, but I know that the skull must be in the hands of the Mo people. Neither father nor elder brother have it. It must have been handed over to you, right?" Mo Lingyu looked at her.

Mo Lange bit his lip and asked, "Second brother, do you want to save your father now, or become the patriarch?"

Mo Lingyu frowned slightly, and said with a sneer: "Father is already a useless person, so what's the use of saving him? I was the young patriarch appointed by my father, so naturally I will succeed him."

Mo Lange didn't expect him to be so cold-blooded that he wouldn't even save his father.

She shook her head and took two steps back: "The skull is not with me."

"Oh, Lan Ge, I brought you up. I can tell if you're lying or not." Mo Lingyu laughed instead, with a gloomy expression and strangely colored pupils, "Hey, give me the skull." , Second Brother will take care of the rest. You are still the little princess of our Mo tribe, and Second Brother will give you whatever you want."

Mo Lange turned around and ran away.

But Mo Lingyu raised his hand lightly, and suppressed her in place.

(End of this chapter)

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