Chapter 1947

Lan Tingrui hesitated: "Huh? What? Did I just say something?"

Duanmu didn't know whether to laugh or cry, so he had to bring the topic back to the right track: "In this way, Di Kongxuan and I will accompany Dudu to the Mo tribe to save people. In order to prevent Mo Lingyu from setting a trap, you should continue to strengthen your defenses. If there is a trap, you don't have to Leave us alone."

"What's Mo Lingyu, he's not worthy to lift Brother Kongxuan's shoes!" Lan Yao said proudly.

"It's not about Mo Lingyu, but about the Mo clan. The Mo clan is an ancient family that can stand shoulder to shoulder with the Dijiang clan. It has unimaginable power. Now it seems that they have been hit hard, but in fact, the Mo clan is still That powerful Mo tribe." Duanmuyi said.

Everyone nodded in agreement.

Under the Mo clan's punishment tower, the clansmen who came and went were silent, no one dared to make a sound, all because the girl who was tied to the top of the tower was the little witch they respected and feared in the past.

Because of Mo Lingyu's arbitrariness, the Mo Clan's intelligence village refused to serve him, and all intelligence clues were disconnected. Mo Lingyu lived like a blind man for the past two days.

But the Intelligence Village only obeys Mo Lange and Elder Mo Huan, and now that Elder Mo Huan is in charge of the Intelligence Village, even Mo Lingyu can't do anything to him.

He could only come to Mo Lange.

Mo Lange still has a cold and arrogant face, even though she is suffering unbearable torture at this moment, her consciousness has been cut and confused, and negative emotions are grabbing her heart like a devil. Her eyes are scarlet, her lips are pale, and her eyes But like a lone wolf, crazy and cold.

"Aren't you going to say it?" Mo Lingyu stood hanging in the air, dressed in an expensive fox fur, with the same arrogance of the Mo people.

Mo Lange raised his eyes, not hiding the disgust and hatred in his eyes.

Mo Lingyu smiled, his pupils of different colors were evil and strange: "Do you think that a mere intelligence village can really make it difficult for me to move?"

"Then what are you talking about?" Mo Lange asked sarcastically with a hoarse voice.

"I'm here to tell you that Bijuan has run away." Mo Lingyu smiled leisurely, "Who do you think she will go to for help? Our little princess of the Mo family lives in seclusion, who else can she know besides the Mo family? "

Mo Lange's heart skipped a beat, and all the negative energy of the punishment tower took advantage of it. Her face was grim in pain, and the chains on her body were shaken by her, so the bondage became tighter.

Seeing her losing her composure, Mo Lingyu smiled even more happily: "Tsk tsk tsk, look at your current appearance, let your lover see it, what do you think will happen to him?"


Mo Lange closed her eyes, her eyelashes trembling, trying to hold back her tears.

Don't come, little trash, don't come...


The enchantment of the Mo clan let out a scream, and the girl on the punishment tower weakly opened her eyes.

A purple-gold light flashed beside her, and the face of a mature man appeared in front of her eyes.

"It's you...?" Mo Lange recognized him, the man who kidnapped him and knocked him out was also Di Zhao's father.

Di Kongxuan raised his hand and pulled away the chain, clamped her under his arm with one hand, and flew away from the punishment tower.

Mo Lange tremblingly said: "You're here, what about Di Zhao? Is Di Zhao here too? Are you crazy? Mo Lingyu deliberately forced you to show up... No, leave me alone, go away... "

Di Kongxuan frowned, and said coldly: "Shut up, make noise."

"..." If Mo Lange hadn't been seriously injured right now.

(End of this chapter)

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