kiss Ann, sweet wife

Chapter 195 Makes him unhappy!

Chapter 195 Makes him very upset!

Lu Sichen said coldly, and the staff immediately went to chase Tang Yijuan away.

Tang Yijuan didn't give up, since she was tearing her face apart, she would be dragged into the water no matter what!

"I still have it!" Tang Yijuan pointed at Yi Xuelan, "She also knows, and she has Bai Jiujiu's information in her hand."

When Yun Manni sent Bai Jiujiu's information to Yi Xuelan, Tang Yijuan saw it. With Yi Xuelan's guarantee, she was even more reliable.

At this time, all eyes fell on Yi Xuelan, and Bai Jiujiu frowned slightly.

If Yi Xuelan confessed, everyone would have doubts about Tang Yijuan's words, and her cover-up would be easy to slip through.

Yun Manni's face was a bit smug, Bai Jiujiu was dead now, she glanced at Lu Sichen who was exuding hostility all over her body, and just waited and watched the show.

Bai Jiujiu's heart was pounding in her chest, she thought that one day she would break through, but she didn't want it to be under such circumstances.

What she wanted more was to be able to tell Lu Sichen herself.

Yi Xuelan received the attention, with a gentle smile still on the corner of her mouth, without changing her face, she gave Lu Sichen a sideways glance intentionally or unintentionally,

Those sharp eyes seemed to be warning, and it could be seen that Lu Sichen was very concerned about Bai Jiujiu.

If he wants to get close to Lu Sichen again, he must completely eradicate Bai Jiujiu.

"I do know about Bai Jiujiu, but Miss Tang, if you lose, you lose. Using this method to slander your competitors is shameless for our new world. I'm sorry. I want to take back the points I scored before. gone."

Yi Xuelan was very smart, and she answered very vaguely. She seemed to be on Bai Jiujiu's side on the surface, but she didn't say whether Bai Jiujiu was a man or a woman.

"Get lost!" Lu Sichen shot a cold look, which was quite impactful. Tang Yijuan turned pale instantly and took a few steps back, trembling all over, waiting for Yun Manni to decide for herself.

But she didn't want to think that Yun Manni reprimanded the staff: "Young Master Lu has spoken, why are you still standing?

In one sentence, the relationship between my own people and Tang Yijuan was completely wiped out!

Useless chess pieces can only be discarded.

"Sister Yun, Sister Yun, you can't treat me like this, you..." Before Tang Yijuan could say a word, someone covered her mouth when she heard the man's whispering threatening.

"Sister Yun said, if you don't want to be banned, be honest."

Tang Yijuan nodded in horror, she can only rely on Sister Yun now.

It's a pity that Tang Yijuan was still thinking too naively, offending Bai Jiujiu was offending Lu Sichen, how could he let her go so cheaply if he offended Lu Sichen?
It's too late for Yun Manni to hit the ground, so how could she help another useless pawn?
Bai Jiujiu took a deep look at Yi Xuelan, she didn't expose herself but made Bai Jiujiu even more uneasy.

Based on her understanding of Yixuelan, it would not be that simple after all, this woman's deep thoughts are a bit scary.

The farce ended like this, and the second round of the competition continued, and Bai Jiujiu was worried by the incident just now.

It's only a few days away from her, should I tell him now, or wait until that day to tell him.

Worrying about this question made her brows clouded.

The games she has always cared about are not as important as Lu Sichen's. She did not expect the feeling of emotion to be so distracting and involuntary.

I can't control it at all.

The result of the competition came out, Bai Jiujiu won No.1 without any suspense, and stayed.

(End of this chapter)

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