Chapter 1958

The bottom of Xuanye Valley spread up, unconsciously covering the entire Outer Valley.

An old voice sounded from somewhere: "Hahaha, hell, the abyss of undead, I finally came out!"

In the overwhelming gloomy wind, the sky was dim and colorless, and the flying sand and rocks were all hazy.

The strong death energy filled the entire Xuanye Valley with claws and claws, and countless undead came out from the ground.

"What is this!" Lan Yao shrank into a ball in fright, hiding behind Di Kongxuan.

Duanmuyi stood up with a pale face and looked towards the destroyed Neigu.

The strongest death energy came from that direction.

She stared for a moment, and a thought flashed through her mind like lightning, tearing away the last trace of confusion with a bang.

"I see……"

Mo Yeyu had also walked over, and said in a deep voice, "It's the Abyss of Undead."

There are already hundreds of undead appearing here at this moment, and what they saw in the abyss of undead before was only a dozen.

Is this poking a honeycomb?

Di Kongxuan glanced around, and because of the appearance of the undead, some people who were planning to leave also stopped and watched.

But the culprit, Bai Taixuan, never appeared.

He reminded in a low voice: "Be careful of Bai Taixuan."

Duanmuyi's eyes flickered, and there was a kind of excitement of discovering the secret: "Don't you realize something? The Abyss of Undead and Xuanye Valley are connected."

Okay, what does this mean?
If the two appear at the same time, it can be said to be created by heaven and earth.But the appearance of Abyss of Undead after Xuanye Valley is intriguing.

Moreover, there has always been an unsolved mystery in Xuanye Continent. Most of the strong men whose bodies have fallen have not harmed their spiritual consciousness. However, their spiritual consciousness has been annihilated. Those spiritual consciousness finally flowed to the abyss of the undead. , is the power of rules?Or artificial?

"Girl, I knew I was right." An old voice sounded behind Duanmuyi.

Duanmuyi turned his head to look, showing a relieved smile: "Senior."

Duanmuhai nodded, satisfied with her current cultivation, turned around and saw Dikongxuan and Mo Yeyu, and hummed again: "You are here too."

Di Kongxuan and Mo Yeyu hurriedly saluted.

They also respect these seniors.

Di Chongfeng and the senior from the Mo family also leaned over. Although they were smiling, their eyes were serious.

"That guy doesn't know where he is hiding." Di Chongfeng said coldly.

"Senior is talking about Bai Taixuan?" Duan Muyi asked quickly, "I wonder if there is any connection between Bai Taixuan and the Abyss of Undead?"

Di Chongfeng glanced at her and frowned slightly: "You have a keen sense...Huh? Bodhi Totem? Are you from the Baicao clan?"

Duanmuyi paused in his heart. Although he knew that his seniors had advanced cultivation bases, he never expected to be able to see his own totem at a glance.

Before she could explain, Duanmuhai yelled: "What Baicao Clan, old man, are you blind? The Bodhi Totem is obtained by those who can, when will it be the Baicao Clan's turn to take charge?"

Di Chongfeng was too lazy to quarrel with him, so he snorted coldly and said, "Are you capable of saying this in front of God Gengfu?"

Duanmuhai immediately became dumb.

Grasping the key point, Mo Yeyu followed up and asked: "God Gengfu? Is he the current patriarch of the Baicao Clan? I heard that...

(End of this chapter)

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