Chapter 1972

Only then did everyone notice her standing behind Jiang Sui.

Jiang Sui clicked his tongue and glanced at her lightly.

Hu Yuexi immediately fell silent.

"You stay here." Duan Muyi glanced at the top ten demon commanders behind her. Although she didn't know what Hu Yuexi had experienced with the demon clan, but because of her orthodox demon clan royal blood, coupled with Jiang's Suspicion and deterrence, presumably the status in the Yaozu will not be low.

If Hu Yuexi went with her, the top ten demon generals would have to assign a few people to protect her, and the strength here would be weak.

Bai Taixuan was alone, but apart from him, the entire Xuanye Continent needed manpower everywhere. It was a surprise that Yue Rushuang and Yu Tingsong could go with her.

Yinglan stepped forward and whispered something in Duanmuyi's ear.

Duanmuyi was stunned for a moment, then nodded immediately.

She said: "Piercing the long-lived candlestick into Bai Taixuan's heart will completely destroy him."

Yinglan knew the news, it must be Jiang Sui who told her.

Duanmuyi is convinced.


Xuanye College, outside the Spirit Hall.

The college that has cultivated countless outstanding talents and elite tribes in the past is now called a devil's den.There was lifelessness everywhere, the corpses were randomly piled up, and the row of heads hanging at the entrance of the college was already rotten and full of insects, and the stench was suffocating.

The three of Duanmuyi disguised themselves as puppets of the Dijiang clan, and used Duanmuyi's soul power to hide their aura and walked into the Spirit Hall.

During Duanmuyi's study at Xuanye College, he had entered the Spirit Hall many times, and he was very familiar with the architectural style here. However, when he walked in again this time, he felt that the furnishings were the same, but everything seemed different.

It's breath.

The entire spirit hall is shrouded in a dark atmosphere. The sacred hall in the past is now more eerie and weird than the Mo clan's punishment tower.

"If you can not disturb Bai Taixuan, try not to disturb him." Duanmuyi said via voice transmission, "Our purpose is to find Dikongxuan and the other three first."

Yue Rushuang and Yu Tingsong both nodded, and the three of them dispersed silently, looking deeper along the stairs of the Spirit Hall.

In fact, there are not many puppet waiters in the entire Spirit Hall. Bai Taixuan is not a person who indulges in pleasure, and there are several floors that are even empty, and the echo of footsteps can be heard.

Because of this, Duanmu Yi walked more cautiously.

She pushed open a door, quickly scanned it with her spiritual sense, and then walked around to the next door.

One stone room after another was quickly left behind by her, and she quickly went up to the sixth floor.

"Didn't find it?"

Above the head, there was an inexplicable chuckle suddenly.

Duanmuyi's hair was standing on end, and without any thought, he swept back quickly and stepped on the stairs directly down two floors.

However, the breath followed closely behind like maggots on the tarsal bone.

Then, a hand reached out.

Duanmuyi immediately counterattacked, the nebula in the dantian continued to rotate, and the phantom of the ancient bodhi tree immediately appeared behind her, and she also took advantage of this to sweep back dozens of steps.

She stood back and looked coldly.

Bai Taixuan's eyes were cold, but the corners of his mouth were raised wantonly, probably because he had never been out of the Spirit Hall, his complexion was pale and bloodless, and he stood there lifelessly, like a dead corpse.

Duanmuyi knew that she couldn't hide, under Bai Taixuan's hands, there was no other way but to try desperately.

She clenched her fists, and the rejuvenation skills in her body flowed rapidly, raising her state to the extreme.

(End of this chapter)

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