Chapter 1995

Late at night, the tavern was full of feasting and feasting lights, a group of young girls gathered around the bar, laughing non-stop at the young man bartending.

In the first month of Xuanye Academy's re-opening, the seven major tribes re-selected and sent their outstanding children to the academy for further study. The Xuanye Academy, which was once glorious in the past, is rejuvenating.

In the corner, Lan Tingrui casually shook the wine glass in her hand, resting her chin in a daze.

Shen Muxu just finished a refining experiment, and hurried over: "Ah, I'm late again..."

"Heh, I forget my righteousness when I see sex." Lan Tingrui beckoned, ordered another glass of wine and handed it to her.

Shen Muxu sighed: "What, where did you get the color?"

The two looked at each other and smiled helplessly.

This is the third year after the war, Xuanye Academy has experienced a baptism of blood and fire, and has been rebuilt on the ruins.The original dean, deputy dean, and elders all died in that battle. Finally, after discussions among the seven major tribes, it was finally decided to select the management team from the top ten candidates in the Spirit Hall.

As the strongest, Yue Rushuang was picked up by his sister to take the position of dean.

The vice presidents are Di Mingkun, Chen Yuan and Yu Tingsong.

Duanmuyi and Dikongxuan are both famous in the college, and they are idle honorary elders, and they only showed up at the freshmen meeting a month ago.

There is a shortage of manpower for the reconstruction of the college. Many outstanding graduates from previous years have voluntarily returned to the college to teach, among them are Lan Tingrui and Shen Muxu.

One of the two is a coach in the martial arts field, responsible for the daily training of freshmen; the other is a teacher in the pharmacy, working hard to study various prescriptions, life seems to be no different from the past.


Halfway through the conversation, a group of girls sat at the table not far from the two of them and laughed.

"Our dean is so pretty!" One person said, "Did you see it on the freshman party? After he took the Changing Pill, he conjured up a dragon's tail, and just curled up in the corner to drink, his whole body revealing It's high class and expensive."

As soon as the words fell, the girls all started talking in a low voice.

"Stop talking, I've been patronizing him all night!"

"It is said that he is the youngest dean in the history of our college. He used to be known as the number one dude in the Xuanye Continent. He played around with the world and was ignorant. In fact, he pretended to be all of them. He is simply too handsome!"

"Ah, to tell you the truth, I have dreamed about him for several nights..."

A few people were chatting, and suddenly someone came over and patted their table.

Lan Tingrui shook the wine glass in her hand, looking down at the excited and admiring eyes of these girls, she felt amused and angry at the same time.

Annoyed that he attracts bees and butterflies, he doesn't know how to restrain himself!
"Lan... Teacher Lan..." Someone recognized her and hurriedly sat down.

She snorted coldly, and said, "Shut up all your fancy things, are you ready for tomorrow's practical class?"

The girls scattered like birds and beasts.

One could still be heard asking, "What's wrong with Mr. Lan?"

"I heard that she has been chasing the dean for a long time..."


Lan Tingrui didn't expect that in the eyes of this group of junior girls, she would become the kind of poor woman who chases after men. Suddenly, she was so angry that she raised her head and suffocated the wine in her hand.

Shen Muxu hurried over and grabbed her wrist: "Okay, okay, what's the matter with a group of little girls? Didn't we come here like this back then?"

"Aren't there any men in this class of freshmen? They put such foolish thoughts on teachers all day long?" Lan Tingrui was full of grievances.


(End of this chapter)

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