kiss Ann, sweet wife

Chapter 206 You Are My Poison!

Chapter 206 You Are My Poison!

Lu Sichen's heart, which was warmed by Bai Jiujiu, became even colder.

Yi Xuelan's snow-white hands were mercilessly slapped away by Lu Sichen.


The cold and ruthless words made Yi Xuelan lose all face.

After all, she is also a goddess. She is loved by others outside, so why has she been insulted like this?

Lu Sichen got up, gave Yi Xuelan a disgusted look, and chased her out without even buttoning her button.

The roar attracted attention, Yi Xuelan immediately put on her sunglasses, quietly blended into the crowd and left.

The slightly higher purity cocktail had a lot of stamina, and Bai Jiujiu's footsteps quickly became a little frivolous.

She was very sad, she clearly said that she liked her, but why did she have sex with Yi Xuelan again behind her back.

What a bastard full of lies!
Bai Jiujiu wanted to go home, but before going home, she had to change her women's clothes.

Bai Jiujiu entered a men's clothing store, tore off the wig, changed the skirt, put on a suit, and wiped off the lipstick on his mouth.

The action was done in one go, and he left under the surprised gaze of the waiter.

She never cared about other people's eyes, except... only Lu Sichen's eyes.

What Bai Jiujiu didn't expect was to see Lu Sichen standing under the street lamp waiting when he went out.

The light shone on his sharp-edged face, exuding a hazy desolation, looking a little lonely, and the darkness made people avoid him.

Like a dark satan descends.

His handsome face makes people's hearts move, his burly figure makes people scream, and his whole body exudes a dangerous aura that makes people dare not approach.

Lu Sichen stretched out his hand, as if inviting her.

Bai Jiujiu walked over involuntarily, and had the illusion that even if there was hell behind him, she would be deceived by him and go away.

She was poisoned by Lu Sichen.

There is no cure.

"Why are you here?" Bai Jiujiu leaned on Lu Sichen's arms, there was no smell of other women on her body, it was her familiar smell, which instantly calmed her anxious heart.

Bai Jiujiu changed back into men's clothes, the familiar feeling returned, but the taste seemed to have changed.

Or rather, a change of mood.

"Wait for you."

There are obviously many loopholes in these two words, and there are obviously many problems, but it is a pity that Bai Jiujiu's brain is anesthetized by alcohol.

I could only hear the meaning of love.

No matter how cold and heartless Lu Sichen's voice was.

For her, they are the best love words in the world.

"Do you remember what you said?"


Bai Jiujiu leaned on his arms half drunk and half awake, "You said that as long as I don't leave you, you will promise me anything, do you still count on it now?"

Lu Sichen's body froze because of her words, his expression became even more unfathomable, and his tone was cold and erratic.

"what do you want?"

If Bai Jiujiu is sober now, he will definitely see the problem.

When Bai Jiujiu thought of confessing to him on his birthday and asking for his forgiveness, the two of them could start over again, instead of starting with lies, how wonderful it was.

Bai Jiujiu was a little drunk, the corners of his mouth curled up slightly, and he couldn't help laughing, "You will know when the time comes, don't forget what you promised me."

Lu Sichen pursed his lips and did not answer. Seeing that Bai Jiujiu had fallen asleep on top of him, his eyes narrowed slightly.

Until this moment, she was still pretending, and she was still unwilling to be honest with him!

So... that's her purpose?

Oh, it's all about money.

(End of this chapter)

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