kiss Ann, sweet wife

Chapter 223 Is she not important?

Chapter 223 Is she not important? (Rewards and updates for a brand new start)
"Let me say this one last time, the shame on you has nothing to do with me, I didn't do those things."

Bai Jiujiu squinted at the two people watching the show, one was Yi Xuelan and the other was Yun Manni.

The double springs behind the two people's backs were probably good, and they fooled Tang Yijuan around.

In fact, when Yun Manni arranged these things for Tang Yijuan, she also found that something was wrong, but it was a pity that she chose to lie to her ears.

She couldn't afford to offend Yun Manni and Yi Xuelan, but Bai Jiujiu without a backer was nothing.

Even if Bai Jiujiu didn't do this, it has nothing to do with her!
If it weren't for her, would he be targeted by someone like Yun Manni?

If it wasn't for her, would he be ruined?

Therefore, even if she goes to hell, she will find Bai Jiujiu to be buried with her.

"Whether it's you or not is not important anymore. The important thing is that I need to vent now."

Bai Jiujiu heard the meaning, it is impossible to wake up a self-absorbed person.

"Okay, I'll do whatever you want, but I hope you let my friend go, this matter has nothing to do with her."

Tang Yijuan glanced at Lin Liying, her interest faded.

"I don't care about her life or death, but I won't stop her if she wants to go with you."

Bai Jiujiu immediately pushed Yingbao towards Huo Weiting, and said, "Take care of her for me."

Huo Weiting, who had been standing by the side watching the play, didn't expect Bai Jiujiu to do such a thing, so he had to hold Ying Bao.

How could Yingbao be willing to see her sister being bullied?

"Let go of me, let me go! I'm going to save Bai Jiujiu!"

Huo Weiting whispered in Ying Bao's ear, "Do you want Lu Sichen to forgive her?"

"I don't want to!" There's no need for such a man!
"You don't want to, but she doesn't think so. It's good to let her suffer a little bit."

Hearing what Huo Weiting said, Ying Bao glared at him angrily, what did this man say!
"Go and help me quickly, let me beg you, okay?" Ying Bao clung to Huo Weiting's body like an octopus, begging in a cute whisper.

"Come down!" Damn it, it's not good to step over any part, it has to be his second place.

Huo Weiting's expression changed, Ying Bao covered his ears, "I don't listen, I don't look like I don't listen."

Seeing Ying Bao playing rogue with him, Huo Weiting wanted to laugh angrily.

"Let her suffer a little and let Lu Sichen come forward to solve it, otherwise Lu Sichen won't forgive your friend. Do you think your friend's life will be easier in the future?"

Huo Weiting's words woke Ying Bao up, yes, why didn't she consider this aspect.

Lin Liying looked up at his sexy chin, the claws tightened even more, it was so heartwarming, and she couldn't help but rubbed her face against his strong chest.

For your lifelong happiness, Jiu Bao, please bear with it!

Tang Yijuan pointed at Bai Jiujiu and said, "Hit me hard!"

The thugs immediately stepped forward, punching and kicking Bai Jiujiu.

Fortunately, Bai Jiujiu reacted relatively quickly and kept dodging, but he still had a lot of color on him.

Seeing this posture, Secretary Wu couldn't help dialing the big boss's phone, and it took a long time to answer it.

"Boss, Bai Jiujiu is being besieged and beaten, should we take action?"

There was a second of silence on the other end, and the phone was suddenly disconnected.

Secretary Wu looked blank.

Is he making a move?Or not?
Just when Secretary Wu was hesitating, Bai Jiujiu was punched again, which made people feel distressed.

But he didn't dare without the order of the big boss!

Lin Liying couldn't bear it any longer, but Huo Weiting grabbed her arm tightly when she wanted to go forward and couldn't move.

 The addition is complete, thank you for the new start, okay!Remember to vote, we will continue to add more tomorrow!
(End of this chapter)

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