kiss Ann, sweet wife

Chapter 238 Became His Reliance

Chapter 238 Became His Reliance
Bai Jiujiu couldn't help frowning, she didn't like the way he smoked, he seemed more gloomy and colder than before.

Tossing and turning, I couldn't fall asleep, thinking in my heart, thinking in my mind, there was always only one person.

Bai Jiujiu stretched out his five fingers, trying to grab something, but there was only a handful of air.

Uncle, what exactly do you want to forgive me?

Unintentionally glanced sideways at the clock, it was almost five o'clock, already missed the rest time, and now I can't sleep even if I want to sleep.

Thinking of Lu Sichen coughing a few times when he left, his throat might be uncomfortable.

So she made a cup of tea, and originally wanted the housekeeper to deliver it, but thinking that the two of them might still be cleaning up the mess for her, she had to deliver it to him herself.

He knocked on the bedroom door lightly, but there was no sound, but a low cough came from the study.

He is in the study?

After hesitating for a while, Bai Jiujiu walked towards the study and knocked lightly on the two doors.

It was not only Bai Jiujiu and Lu Sichen who couldn't sleep at this time, he had never smoked, and the smoke contained nicotine, which had a paralyzing effect, which was equivalent to a chronic poison.

Brief smoking can make people feel relaxed and very addictive.

He never thought he needed this kind of thing, but now it has become a kind of dependence.

I tapped my temples a few times with my fingers, and took a few puffs of cigarettes to ease my emotions.

It seems that after all the insomnia tonight, there is no doubt that someone knocked on the door.

"Come in."

Lu Sichen's deep and magnetic voice made Bai Jiujiu's heart tremble. She wanted to see but was afraid to see him, but hearing the suppressed coughing sound inside the door made her no longer hesitate.

"What are you doing here?" Lu Sichen looked at Bai Jiujiu who pushed the door and entered with a cold and calm expression.

She seemed to be much thinner, her hair seemed to grow a little longer, and her clothes were still men's clothes. Since it had been exposed, why didn't she just change into women's clothes?
In fact, most of Bai Jiujiu's clothes are unisex, but she has a male and female face, which makes her look more masculine.

"Get out."

Lu Sichen's ruthless voice was like a dagger piercing directly into Bai Jiujiu's heartbeat and pain.

"I know you don't want to see me, this is the tea I brewed, it's good for your throat." Bai Jiujiu put down the teacup with Lu Sichen's cold and sharp eyes.

When I turned to leave, I couldn't help but say, "I never thought of deceiving you, and I never said deceitful words in front of you.

It was just a misunderstanding at the beginning, but seeing your misunderstanding without explanation also led me to deceive into reality.

Uncle, I will wait for you to forgive me..."

I just hope that the time will not be too long, otherwise my hot heart will be frozen by your cold attitude.

"come over!"

The moment Bai Jiujiu opened the door, Lu Sichen spoke, his voice was still cold, but the tone was familiar to her.

Bai Jiujiu hesitated a few times, but chose to obey obediently, and stood in front of Lu Sichen.

Because of the short distance, he could clearly see a circle of stubble on Lu Sichen's chin, which inexplicably added a touch of wildness to his handsome appearance.

Obviously looking a bit embarrassed, but the charm has not diminished but increased.

Exudes a mature masculinity that makes every woman's heart beat.

The cigarette butts in the ashtray had already been filled, and there was still a half-smoked cigarette in his left hand, and he didn't continue or put it down.

"You said you were making atonement, so you should serve me well." Lu Sichen pointed to his shoulder, "Massage!"

(End of this chapter)

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