kiss Ann, sweet wife

Chapter 240 Worse than a dog?

Chapter 240 Worse than a dog?

Originally, he just wanted to wash away the smell of smoke on his body, but now he might vent his anger.

The bathroom door slammed shut!
Bai Jiujiu blinked his eyes, just now... Did he overreact?
Uncle doesn't seem to have that meaning, is he thinking too much?

Thinking of this, his face couldn't help turning red. It's not her fault, who told him to take it off as soon as he came in?
Bai Jiujiu was lying on the sofa, her eyes stayed on the bathroom side, she missed the uncle's gentleness, and was even a little obsessed with his gentleness.

But such tenderness was destroyed by himself.


When Lu Sichen casually came out with a bath towel on, he saw Bai Jiujiu curled up on the sofa, with his head buried in his knees, and fell asleep.

There were still tears in the corners of his eyes, as if he had just cried.

Actions are faster than brain reactions.

The porcelain-bone-like hand subconsciously stretched out, and lightly landed on Bai Jiujiu's soft silk hair.

When Lu Sichen came back to his senses, her fragrance lingered on his fingertips.

It wrapped around him tightly like a curse, hitting his heart directly.

"What should I do with you?" Lu Sichen's tone was full of helplessness, sadness, and a combination of sighs and multiple emotions.

The melancholy and cold expression is enough to make every woman scream for him.

But just for a moment, the melancholy dissipated, leaving behind an eternal coldness.

Keep people away.

Lu Sichen originally wanted her to stay like this, but when he heard Bai Jiujiu repeating his apology over and over again like a dream, his brain stopped thinking.

When he came back to his senses again, he had already embraced Bai Jiujiu in his arms.

Eyebrow Chengchuan character.

He couldn't really bear to throw her directly on the ground, so he could only hug her to the bed.

She still looks so thin, and seems to be thinner than before.

It's so light, it's effortless to hold her.

The reason why she is so handsome is because she is a girl.

Looking at it from a different angle now, I realize that she looks like a girl no matter what, how could I think of her as a boy?

It may be her behavior, or it may be because he has a dislike for her that interferes with his judgment.

She has been acting with herself from the very beginning, deceiving herself, with such good acting skills, no wonder she wants to be an actor.

But this time Lu Sichen was wrong.

Bai Jiujiu wanted to be an actor because he didn't have a high degree of education, didn't have extra time to study, and wanted to earn more money.

She was unwilling to accept his funding to go to school before because she knew that there would be such a day sooner or later.

So she had already planned to leave him?

Lu Sichen closed his fingers unconsciously, and the fingertips pierced Bai Jiujiu's delicate skin, and she couldn't help but groan in pain.

So what does she mean by posting it again now?
Could it be that there is something in him that she didn't get, and when he got it, he would kick him away again?
Once this kind of mistrust sprouts, it can quickly grow into a strong silk vine, separating the hearts of the two people farther and farther away.

That low moan was like a kitten scratching an itch.

Bai Jiujiu fell into a drowsy sleep. In his sleep, it seemed that Xiaobai was licking her until he almost suffocated. He wanted to push him away, but he didn't expect Xiaobai to hold her tightly and couldn't push him away at all.

"Xiaobai... don't make trouble."

Bai Jiujiu said it subconsciously.

Lu Sichen stopped and narrowed his eyes slightly, thinking about Xiaobai at this moment?

Could it be that in her heart, he is not as good as a dog?
Lu Sichen's lips were like hellish flames, burning Bai Jiujiu with slight pain.

Bai Jiujiu, who regained a sliver of consciousness, smelled this familiar breath, and his heart skipped a beat.

When he opened his eyes, he found that the uncle was kissing him with a look of disbelief.

is she dreaming
She clearly remembered uncle's disgusting words.

And his disgusted expression seemed to ignore her for the rest of his life.

Lu Sichen met Bai Jiujiu's clear and blurred eyes.

There is an inexplicable sense of blasphemous guilt.


Pushing Bai Jiujiu away abruptly, the heart that had just been filled was ruthlessly pushed, as if a hole was missing in Bai Jiujiu's heart.

It hurts very much.

Sure enough, he was disgusted.

damn it!
When Bai Jiujiu came back to his senses, Lu Sichen went into the bathroom to take a shower again.

Bai Jiujiu repeatedly stroked his slightly swollen lips with his fingers. She had just washed her body, but there was still a smell that belonged to him after the bath. After touching her, she went into the bathroom again.

Uncle, do you despise yourself so much?
It is clear that he does not feel disgusted when he meets Bai Jiujiu. He was unable to speak before because of gender issues, but now that the gender issue is gone, he still cannot speak.

He can get it by violence, but he doesn't want to.

The word indecision is not in his dictionary, but he has it when he meets Bai Jiujiu.

He hadn't encountered it before, so he didn't know that in this world, no matter whether it was a person or a thing, the more he wanted something, the more he was afraid of losing it, which made people so cautious.

If Lan Feiang saw this scene here, he would definitely laugh at his elder brother, because he also had something to be afraid of.

In fact, everyone has something or someone that they are afraid of losing. If not, it is just that they have not encountered it yet.

Obviously she lied to him, but he couldn't even hate her.

Lu Sichen, who came out again, looked at Bai Jiujiu standing there with a flattering face, was he waiting for him?
"Do you still need a massage?" Bai Jiujiu couldn't fall asleep, so he could only think of ways to make the uncle forgive him.

"..." He didn't want to press the evil fire into his body again.

"No need, stay away from me." Come again, Lu Sichen didn't know if he could control it.

Stay away from me. These four cold words deeply hurt Bai Jiujiu's heart.

She really wanted to know, what did he think of her?
He obviously kissed her intimately just now, but at this moment he coldly asked her to stay away from him.

Men's minds are even more elusive.

Especially the uncle's heart is even more unfathomable.

Can her humiliation really make the uncle change his mind?
Bai Jiujiu felt confused again.

Falling in love really makes people lose themselves. If they are not lost, it is just because they do not love enough or love themselves more.

(End of this chapter)

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