kiss Ann, sweet wife

Chapter 243 I will bear it for her!

Chapter 243 I will bear it for her!
Lan Feiang saw Lu Sichen standing by the curtain, staring at a certain place, and couldn't help stretching his head to look.

Lu Sichen snapped the curtains shut, gave Lan Feiang a cold look, and said in an extremely cold tone, "There's nothing to see."

"..." That's right, there's nothing to watch, but he's watching it with gusto, so he can't watch it?

Lan Feiang was speechless for a moment.

In fact, you can guess who the big brother is looking at!
It's nothing more than Bai Jiujiu, besides her, who else does Big Brother care about?

Now there are negative news about Bai Jiujiu, all kinds of rumors are flying everywhere, he was called by Lu Sichen to question him before he even arrived at the company.

"How to solve it?" Lu Sichen tapped his fingers on the table, once, but not once, which made people panic.

"See what you mean, brother."

"speak English!"

"..." He clearly spoke human words, so is there any need for such a vicious tongue?

"Actually, it's not impossible to suppress it, it all depends on what the elder brother says." It depends on whether the elder brother is willing or not.

In fact, on the way here, Lan Feiang had already thought of a solution to the matter.

"Press." Simple and clear, crisp and powerful.

Lan Feiang couldn't help but startled for a moment. Could it be that the two have reconciled?
Impossible, with the eldest brother's temperament, it is impossible to let the person who deceived him go so easily.

"Even if you want to bully, I'm the only one to do it. I won't allow anyone to hurt her except me!" Lu Sichen's dark and deep eyes sparkled with dark fire.

Hearing what Lu Sichen said, why did he feel jealous?

Is this called bullying?This is obviously protection!
Lan Feiang has never seen Lu Sichen care so much about someone.

Maybe even Lu Sichen himself didn't know.

"Then you will hold a press conference to explain it yourself, as long as you explain that Bai Jiujiu's identity concealment is due to official considerations, and he also concealed me.

But if this is the case, you will be reported as the boss behind the new world. Brother, are you sure you want to do this? "

For the sake of Bai Jiujiu, revealing her identity that she has been hiding all this time?

"Then do as you say." Lu Sichen slid his finger over the mouse, staring at the computer, and the words scolding Bai Jiujiu on the Internet were simply unsightly.

Lan Feiang was startled, but he didn't even hesitate at all.

"But if this is the case, your father..." Lan Feiang never thought that Lu Sichen would not hesitate to hide the matter for so long for Bai Jiujiu.

"He will know sooner or later, it's just earlier than the original plan." Lu Sichen looked indifferent.

This makes Lan Feiang a little worried. If it is made public, I'm afraid he won't be able to live in peace like this.

I didn't expect my eldest brother to be so serious about porn friends, and I was suddenly unhappy.

Lu Sichen seemed to see what Lan Feiang was thinking, and said, "Don't worry, even if it's made public, I'll take care of it at your house."

"That's not what I'm worried about. After all, the Han family plans to invest in the film and television city. His family always thought that I started this company, and now you have exposed that it was you who started it.

If their family disagrees, I'm afraid the film and television city will..."

"Why do you disagree?"

When Lan Feiang heard Lu Sichen's question, he shrugged his shoulders and said, "Of course it's because of your charm, don't forget, the old man of the Han family wants to recruit you as his son-in-law.

With such a handle in his hands, do you think he will let you go so easily? "

Lu Sichen frowned slightly, sliding the mouse with his fingers, not paying attention to what Lan Feiang said at all.

 ps: I finished adding the update today, and I want to add more tomorrow and continue to vote, okay!

(End of this chapter)

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