kiss Ann, sweet wife

Chapter 249 I was so angry that I did it directly!

Chapter 249 I was so angry that I did it directly!
It's him, it's Lu Sichen!
How did he end up on TV?
The big screen in the square seemed to be holding a press conference, and it happened to be the questioning session.

It seems that he deliberately gave Lu Shao a close-up shot.

The tough and handsome face looked a little haggard, especially the dark shadows under his eyes.

Even so, the charm of abstinent men has not diminished but increased, so that girls and young women can feel the overflow of hormones through the screen.

No wonder it caused some girls and young women to lose their composure and scream on the road regardless of their image.

"Did you call the press conference specifically to defend Bai Jiujiu?

There are a lot of scandals about her on the Internet, what do you think?

Is it true that she was taken care of by you as rumored? "

One question after another is very sharp.

There was suppressed anger in Bai Jiujiu's eyes, and she really wanted to curse.

Damn it!What TMD says on the Internet is all bullshit!

But she couldn't, she clenched her fist and endured it.

"The information on the Internet is all falsehood. I have asked New World's lawyers to sue. Compared with false rumors, we still believe that there are real facts."

Lu Sichen's words were vigorous, simple and clear, and hit the point.

"Even if there are other scandals, it is an unchangeable fact that Bai Jiujiu concealed his gender and lied to the new world!"

"Also, if we heard correctly just now, you just said to let New World's lawyer sue. What is your relationship with New World?"

The reporters chattered and approached step by step, not letting go of a doubtful point.

Lu Sichen glanced around, and shot out a cold light blade, which made the reporters immediately quiet down and shut their mouths about asking questions.

"I'm the chairman of New World, so it can be said that New World is mine, and Bai Jiujiu didn't deceive everyone by asking her to hide her gender. I suggested that she disguise herself as a man."

Bai Jiujiu was stunned!
He never expected that Lu Sichen would help her and put all the responsibility on her.

"For the sake of her development, what was concealed was actually the fact that she signed a confidentiality agreement with the company earlier, which led to the subsequent series of situations."

"As for this rumor, I hope everyone can stop, otherwise our New World doesn't mind taking legal measures to protect our employees."

The corner of Lan Feiang's mouth twitched slightly. You are obviously using the company's resources to protect your daughter-in-law, and he said that you are so great, and you bought the hearts of so many employees at once.

High, really high.

Lu Sichen on the screen left after saying this, as if he didn't want to say any more.

Leaving Lan Feiang to finish, the reporters swarmed around Lan Feiang.

No one wants to let go of this explosive headline.

Bai Jiujiu didn't even expect that the boss behind New World would be Lu Sichen.

"Uncle, if concealment is a kind of deception, I'm afraid you have more secrets than I do."

Bai Jiujiu was stunned.

"Wow, did you see that? The boss of the new world is so handsome!"

"Yeah, still protecting the employees like this, why do you think Bai Jiujiu signed an agreement with the boss, could it be that the two really had an affair?"

"Oh, who knows, anyway, the entertainment industry is very chaotic, and this matter is likely to be true... Hey, do you think that girl standing in a daze looks like Bai Jiujiu?"

Bai Jiujiu came back to his senses when he heard someone calling his name.

Seeing two schoolgirls not far away pointing at him, he couldn't help but quicken his pace and leave this place of right and wrong.

(End of this chapter)

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