kiss Ann, sweet wife

Chapter 252 Uncle, What Do You Want From Me?

Chapter 252 Uncle, What Do You Want From Me?
"let's go!"

Lu's mother helped Lu Weijiang, who was in a bad state of mind, to leave, and glanced at Lu Sichen before saying anything, "Chen'er, think about it, I will support you no matter what decision you make."

Lu Sichen squinted at the invitation left on the table, he never expected that the Han family would attack the old man.

He must go to this banquet.

Lu Sichen looked at Bai Jiujiu who was standing obediently, his icy eyes fell on her petite face, which was slightly red and swollen.

"Does it hurt?"

This sudden gentle greeting made Bai Jiujiu stunned for a moment, then immediately shook his head, "It doesn't hurt."

As soon as I stretched out my finger, I realized, damn it, what are you doing!
"Since it doesn't hurt, why don't you go back and apply the medicine."

His tone instantly changed to fierce again.

It’s even faster to change the face of Peking Opera!
"Oh, good." Bai Jiujiu didn't dare to make him angry anymore, and went back to the room alone, thinking that something was wrong with Lu Sichen's words.

Do I still need to apply medicine if it doesn't hurt?

Is it because of pain that you apply medicine?

Lu Sichen obviously also realized that his words were abnormal, but he just pretended to be beaten to death and refused to admit it.

As the so-called concern is chaos.

Bai Jiujiu lay on the bed, and Lu Haiwei's words kept circling in his mind.

"Okay, it doesn't matter what the truth was before, the result is the most important thing, cut off all relations and contacts with this Bai Jiujiu, I will pay how much she wants, don't forget that the old man heard that you were divorced Appoint a marriage for you."

"All the banquet invitations have been sent to us. The target is Han Menglan, the daughter of the Han family. She is not just a high-achieving student. Her family background and appearance are worthy of you."

This is the naked truth, not Cinderella's dream.

Before, she thought that if Lu Sichen had feelings for her, they would be happy with each other.

But after today, she discovered that it turns out that two people are not just in love when they are together.

There is more to consider.

Status, status, family background...

Bai Jiujiu stretched out her hand and looked at the falling lights through the thin slits of her fingertips. The distance between her and Lu Sichen was too far.

Plus now Lu Sichen only has hatred for her, so what's the point of her staying by his side?

Going is the best choice.

She wants to leave her last bit of dignity.

I'm sorry uncle, I can't wait for you to forgive me.

Goodbye... No, it should be seeing you again.

Once he made up his mind, Bai Jiujiu acted immediately.

Anyway, it's just a few simple clothes, all packed in a small bag and you can leave.

Lu Sichen did not order to stop Bai Jiujiu's activities, so the journey went unimpeded.

Lu Sichen took the ointment from his bedroom, weighed it a few times, and walked towards Bai Jiujiu's room involuntarily.

His fingers reached out to the doorknob, and then retracted.

After hesitating for a long time, he opened Bai Jiujiu's bedroom.

There are very few bedrooms, and you can basically see the bottom at a glance.

What about people?

I went to the kitchen, dining room, living room, and Xiaobai's room, but still no one was found.


After Lu Sichen gave an order, Butler Bai immediately appeared in front of him.

"Young Master Lu, what are your orders?"

"Bai Jiujiu, where is he?"

Butler Bai looked surprised, "Bai Jiujiu packed up his things and left just now, wasn't it your order?"

damn it!
Lu Sichen threw away the ointment in his hand and rushed to chase after him.

Butler Bai had never seen Lu Sichen so anxious and lost his composure. Looking at the broken ointment, he seemed to wake up to something.

(End of this chapter)

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