kiss Ann, sweet wife

Chapter 254 I Don't Allow You To Die!

Chapter 254 I Don't Allow You To Die!
Curled up, as if still breathing.

Bai Jiujiu hesitated for a while, and left, after all, he could not protect himself.

But after walking a few steps, he turned back again.

Not her Virgin Mary, just seeing an innocent human being's life before her, and turning her back, she has a bad conscience.

"Hey, girl, are you okay?" Bai Jiujiu approached cautiously and took a look.

It's okay if you don't look at it, but when you see it, you are taken aback, and you really feel that you are a bit nosy.

"why you?"

Bai Jiujiu never expected that the person lying on the ground was Tang Yijuan.

Since the last incident, she has already blacklisted this person.

If it were someone else, she would definitely save her.

But Tang Yijuan, she couldn't save her.

This is her question of principle.

To Tang Yijuan, she was already benevolent enough.

Bai Jiujiu was about to get up and leave, but Tang Yijuan suddenly opened his eyes on the ground.

His eyes were cloudy and lifeless, and when he saw someone reaching out his hand, "Help... save me... save..."

But after seeing clearly that person is Bai Jiujiu.

The whole person seemed to be stimulated, and there was a deep hatred in the cloudy eyes, "It's you!"

Tang Yijuan didn't know where the strength came from, she got up from the ground suddenly, and before Bai Jiujiu could react, she grabbed Bai Jiujiu's neck severely.

"I want you to die, I want you to die." The mouth was deformed with anger.

Bai Jiujiu held her hand with both hands and wanted to push it away, but he didn't know where Tang Yijuan came from so much strength, he couldn't do it even after exhausting all his strength.

"Hahaha, Bai Jiujiu, I want you to die with me, die together!" Tang Yijuan laughed crazily, looking out of her mind.

Bai Jiujiu kicked Tang Yijuan violently in the stomach!
Tang Yijuan let go of her hand and took a few steps back.

He took out a fruit knife out of nowhere and stabbed at Bai Jiujiu, "I want to die, I want you to die with me!"

Before Bai Jiujiu could react, he was stunned, and the surroundings were very quiet.

It was so quiet that she seemed to hear the sound of a knife piercing her skin, but she didn't feel any pain.

Also fell into a warm embrace.


Bai Jiujiu never expected that Lu Sichen would rush over suddenly and block the knife for her.

Lu Sichen kicked Tang Yijuan away.

Tang Yijuan took a few steps back, fell to the ground, hit her head directly on the stone, and died instantly.

His eyes were wide open, as if he was dying.

Bai Jiujiu watched Lu Sichen's wound bleeding, and the tears in his eyes couldn't stop flowing down like a gate.

"Why are you crying, I'm not dead." The last thing Lu Sichen wanted to see was Bai Jiujiu crying.

When Bai Jiujiu heard what Lu Sichen said, he gave Lu Sichen a hard look, "You are not allowed to talk so nonsense."

"Go, I'll help you, go to the hospital quickly."

Lu Sichen just wanted to refuse, but his back was just hurt, so he couldn't walk all the way.

But seeing Bai Jiujiu's nervous look, he refused to speak and swallowed it.

"You sit in the co-pilot, and I'll drive. Remember to lie on your stomach and don't move. The doctor has to remove the knife."

Lu Sichen was directly pushed into the co-pilot by Bai Jiujiu, lying on the seat.

"..." He didn't refuse either.

Bai Jiujiu held the steering wheel with his fingers, looked ahead, and shifted gears.

"Why don't you move?"

"...the handbrake is not on."

"Oh. Don't move." Bai Jiujiu didn't forget to tell him while driving.

Seeing Bai Jiujiu's unfamiliar operation, Lu Sichen asked, "Have you ever driven it?"

(End of this chapter)

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