kiss Ann, sweet wife

Chapter 257 So clean that people want to ruin you!

Chapter 257 So clean that people want to ruin you!
Bai Jiujiu was a little greedy for the gentleness at this moment.

Lu Sichen's eyes fell on Bai Jiujiu's pink and soft lips, deeply in love, and unconsciously bowed his head.

Just when her lips were about to touch the soft sweetness of cherry blossoms, the door was suddenly pushed open.

"Brother, I came to see you, and I specially brought some food according to your request."

Lan Feiang rushed in with the food, looked at Bai Jiujiu's blushing face away, and Lu Sichen's jaw seemed a little red and swollen, as if he had been hit by someone.

What did he just miss?

"Get out!" Lu Sichen casually threw a slipper at Lan Feiang!
Immediately there was a scream from the ward.

Lan Feiang covered his head with an innocent face, "Brother, I came to see you, this is how you treat me? Thankfully I brought you delicious food."

Lu Sichen ignored Lan Feiang's crying, and said to Bai Jiujiu, "Come, have some soup."

Bai Jiujiu looked at Lu Sichen feeding her in front of others, feeling a little embarrassed, "I did it myself."

"Both of you are sick, let me do it!" Lan Feiang was kind, and exchanged another chestnut cake on his head.

Woohoo, what did he do wrong?


Bai Jiujiu watched Lu Sichen turn on the domineering mode and knew that he couldn't avoid it, so he opened his mouth obediently.

Lan Feiang ate a big bowl of dog food, feeling even more aggrieved.

What did you come here to find him for?

Are you looking for abuse?

No, it seems that he also wants to find a girlfriend to relieve his single pain.

Hot eyes, I can't stand it anymore, unexpectedly the eldest brother is fine, but he is in the way again, so leave directly!

The door snapped shut.

Bai Jiujiu watched Lan Feiang rush away angrily, feeling sorry for him for three seconds.

"Isn't that good for him?"

"Huh? Can't bear it?"

As soon as the words were finished, Bai Jiujiu only felt that the air conditioner in this ward had been increased, and the surrounding temperature dropped below zero in an instant.

"Oh, no, I just think... Tang, Tang is very good, he has a heart."

"I asked him to deliver it."

"Uh... Uncle has a heart."

"Just know, open your mouth!"

"..." Why did Bai Jiujiu feel that Lu Sichen had become childish for a moment?
Illusion, it must be my own illusion!
The door opened with a creak, and the two thought that Lan Feiang had come back, but they didn't expect an unexpected guest to come to the ward.

"Brother Chen heard that you were injured, are you alright?" Yi Xuelan walked gracefully to Lu Sichen with a fruit basket, but Lu Sichen ignored her at all.

Yi Xuelan watched Lu Sichen personally feed Bai Jiujiu the soup, a trace of surprise flashed in her eyes, but she soon returned to normal.

"Let me feed it." Yi Xuelan wanted to take Lu Sichen's soup, Bai Jiujiu frowned.

To be honest, let Yi Xuelan feed her, she must have no appetite.

Lu Sichen put the bowl away directly, and said in a cold and impatient tone, "What's the matter with you?"

The person involved didn't feel it at all, "I just came to see if brother Chen's injury is serious."

"Have you finished reading? Shouldn't you be leaving?"

Listening to Lu Sichen's eviction order, Yi Xuelan's eyes were filled with tears, she looked very pitiful.

"Brother Chen, I know you still blame me. I just found out that New World cultivated me because you are the big boss of New World. You still care about me, right?"

Lu Sichen frowned and remained silent.

Bai Jiujiu thought it was his acquiescence, but in fact Lu Sichen just didn't bother to explain.

"Get out!" His patience has reached the limit, one and two are here to disturb him!
(End of this chapter)

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