kiss Ann, sweet wife

Chapter 263 Show me a good show

Chapter 263 Show me a good show

Ai Xuanxuan squatted in the corner with her back against the wall, staring at her mobile phone in a daze.

She knew that she had been pulled into the blacklist, and brother Yehe would not care about her anymore, her heart felt inexplicably painful, she bit her lips tightly, trying not to let her tears flow.

"Bai Jiujiu, let me see how you escape this time."

But he paid such a high price...Brother Yehe...

Bai Jiujiu was originally in a very happy mood, but Lu Sichen didn't look at her from the beginning to the end, and he didn't pay attention to her at all after he came out, which made her heart flutter. Could it be that she chose the wrong clothes?

Not good looking?Or does he not like himself like this?
Quite the opposite actually, and it fits perfectly.

Lu Sichen was trying to restrain himself, afraid that if he couldn't help it, he would...overwhelm her.

Take a deep breath to adjust your emotions.

A wealthy banquet is not a simple banquet every time it is held, it mainly depends on the organizer.

The host this time is the Han family.

The people who brought invitations at the banquet were all high-ranking elites, and occasionally brought their own female companions. Of course, on such occasions, they would naturally not be surrounded by ordinary female companions.

But this is what it means on the bright side, and there is another kind of dark side that is to form cliques or marry.

And the focus of today's banquet was still on Han Menglan, the daughter of the Han family. Although he was looking for a son-in-law for her, the old man of the Han family had already taken a fancy to Lu Sichen.

Before Lu Sichen married Jiang's family, old man Han always regretted that he was one step too late and lost a good son-in-law. Fortunately, he divorced again.

That girl from Jiang's family is not worthy to lift shoes for her family's girl.

No wonder Lu Sichen looked down on him.

But everyone didn't expect that Lu Sichen would bring a female companion, and she was a dignified female companion. Could this be some famous lady from some family?

These scrutinizing and probing gazes made Bai Jiujiu like a light on his back.

"Uncomfortable?" Lu Sichen looked at her and asked in a cold voice with a little shyness.

"No, no, I'm not used to so many people looking at me, why don't I stay alone?" Bai Jiujiu felt that being with Lu Sichen was too stressful, and it was better to be alone.

"Why are you afraid?"

Bai Jiujiu seemed to see the sarcasm in Lu Sichen's eyes, not to be outdone, he said, "Who is afraid?"

Don't let him see the joke.

"Aren't you the best at acting? You will play a good show with me later." Lu Sichen lowered his voice and whispered in her ear.

There was a bit of mockery in that tone, a bit of bitterness, and a bit of coldness.

Bai Jiujiu didn't expect Lu Sichen to say that, he was taken aback, "What role?"

"Play as you like, if you want to stay in the new world, don't screw me up." The cold tone was threatening.

"..." Bai Jiujiu knew that he was making things difficult for him, but she had no choice.

"Okay, then I will do as you wish."

Today, Lu Sichen brought her here as a female companion, and after hearing the gossip around him, he already guessed that his purpose of coming was to meet the eldest lady of the Han family, so his purpose must be to disturb his adultery. Go on a blind date.

Bai Jiujiu closed her eyes, took a deep breath, and when she opened her eyes, she had already entered the scene.

"Uncle, Mr. Han is over there. He is the organizer of this business banquet. Why don't we go say hello?"

This uncle made Lu Sichen's body and mind tremble for no reason, and when he met her smiling eyes as gentle as spring water, his heart beat uncontrollably again.

He clearly knew that she was pretending and acting, but his heart was still uncontrollable and deep in it.

(End of this chapter)

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