kiss Ann, sweet wife

Chapter 290 Shocking Strength!

Chapter 290 Shocking Strength!
Director Zhang was a little disgusted, probably an actor who didn't pass the test, used a trick, and then he probably begged him to give him a chance.

Director Zhang was about to ask someone to drive him away.

Bai Jiujiu showed an embarrassed but polite smile, and let go of his hand, "I'm sorry, I slipped my feet after sitting for too long, I didn't intend to bow down to you."


Bai Jiujiu stretched out his hand generously, "Director Zhang, please introduce yourself, Bai Jiujiu, a newcomer under New World, I hope Director Zhang can give me a chance for an interview."

Bai Jiujiu?Director Zhang frowned slightly, oh, I remembered.

Just now it seems that an actress named Yang Huaisi said that she entered the new world through her relationship and had scandals with several bosses, so she was directly brushed off.

"Sorry, no time."

Bai Jiujiu, who was directly rejected, did not give up, and immediately said: "Director Zhang, for the sake of memorizing the script by heart, please give me a chance!"

Director Zhang was surprised, "Have you memorized all the scripts?"

It must be fake! How can a script of 100 million words be memorized all at once?
But doesn't that mean Director Zhang will give him a chance?

"Yes, I hope Director Zhang can give me a chance." Bai Jiujiu always kept a smile on his mouth, his demeanor was neither overbearing nor humble, and his image was clean and refreshing, with a unique charm.

Director Zhang was silent for a moment, then said, "Well, I'll give you a minute."

"Thank you Director Zhang."

Ai Yehe was quite surprised, Bai Jiujiu's boldness was beyond his expectation, and it would be over if this bullshit was seen through.

But looking at Bai Jiujiu's appearance, he doesn't look fake, he seems to have a plan in mind.

Didn't Lu Sichen say that Bai Jiujiu looks like a rabbit?
But why did he feel that Bai Jiujiu looked more like a fox in rabbit fur?
Bai Jiujiu took a deep breath to adjust his emotions, and when he opened his eyes, his eyes were full of fear.

Bai Jiujiu knelt down in front of Director Zhang with a plop, and kowtowed loudly, and it was indeed a solid kowtow.

"I beg Second Miss, save this servant, I don't want to die, if Second Miss can save this servant, then after this slave... I will be at Second Miss's words from now on."

Bai Jiujiu looked at the silent Director Zhang with a pleading face.

Bai Jiujiu bit his lips, kowtowed again, and said: "Miss, this servant has been by Miss San's side for so many years, this servant... this servant knows a secret of Miss San!"

There was a glimmer of life in the originally desperate eyes, and the tone was firm and forceful, "If I am willing to exchange my sincerity with this secret, Miss, can you believe Li Luo!"

Bai Jiujiu looked directly at Director Zhang, the look of anticipation and longing for survival deeply shocked Director Zhang.

"Are you playing Liluo, a maid in the form of a heroine?"

Bai Jiujiu broke away from the emotions of the characters, and said with a smile, "Director Zhang has good eyesight, it is indeed Liluo the servant girl."

Director Zhang was a little surprised, "Don't you want to play the heroine Yu Ningruo?"

"I think so, but the current me is not suitable. The rumors of framing me have just been suppressed. If I play a heroine role, it will only attract negative news, but if I play a supporting role, the result will be completely different.

Not only can a lot of publicity fees be waived, but you can also prove yourself with your strength and will not be splashed with sewage. "

Bai Jiujiu admitted generously, without any hypocrisy.

Telling the truth like this made Director Zhang treat her a lot differently.

"You said that someone else was framing you before?" Director Zhang asked doubtfully.

 ps: Today's update is over, tomorrow I will update it earlier, and thank you for your silent subscription, reward and voting, and your unwavering support!Wow!

(End of this chapter)

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