kiss Ann, sweet wife

Chapter 294 Wow, my uncle is so cute!

Chapter 294 Wow, my uncle is so cute!
Bai Jiujiu's eyes fell on his bleeding hand, hesitation on his face, "I..."

Before he could finish speaking, he fell into a warm embrace.

"I will pay her back!"

Lu Sichen didn't expect to finish the matter by himself, and when he came here on purpose, he saw Bai Jiujiu flirting with other men.

Suddenly, a cold light flashed in his eyes, and the air-conditioning was overwhelming.

Lan Tianhong slightly raised his eyebrows and let go of his hand without saying anything.

Bai Jiujiu listened to Lu Sichen's heart beating in his chest, and the cold words were a little intoxicating.

Lu Sichen's eyes fell on Ai Yehe's injured arm, and he frowned slightly, "Thank you."

"Short oil, said Xie Kong is hollow, it would be better to hit me with RMB."

"it is good."

"..." Ai Yehe saw Lu Sichen so forthright for the first time, he thought he would suffer little Lulu's poisonous tongue.

"Secretary Wu, take care of them. As for you..." Lu Sichen's sharp eyes fell on Ji Zimo, and a bloodthirsty smile suddenly rose from the corner of his mouth, "Take it away for me."

Ji Zimo was grabbed by the bodyguards in black and kept resisting, "No, no, save me, save me!"

Ji Zimo asked Yi Xuelan for help, but it was a pity that Yi Xuelan didn't give her a single look.

Useless chess pieces should be discarded.


Ai Yehe was undergoing bandage treatment, and Ai Xuanxuan had been guarding him all the time. Even an idiot could see that she treated Ai Yehe differently, and she also had the same surname.

Who would believe that they were not brothers and sisters?

"Stay away from him in the future." Lu Sichen blocked Bai Jiujiu's sight with one hand, and looked at himself.

Bai Jiujiu was in pain from being pinched, and he was in an inexplicably good mood, smiling happily, "Okay, whatever uncle said is what he said."

Such a pure smile, as dazzling and brilliant as crystal.

Especially when she raised her head, she was so cute that it exploded!
Lu Sichen's heart beat uncontrollably, in order not to let her see the blush flying past his ears, he immediately pressed Bai Jiujiu's head to his chest.

Ok?Bai Jiujiu pressed his forehead against his chest with a look of doubt?

What's wrong with this?
It's a pity that Bai Jiujiu didn't see such a rare scene.

When she raised her head, Lu Sichen had suppressed her emotions and returned to normal, still looking ruthless.

It's just that his heart was beating uncontrollably and frantically.

Bai Jiujiu stared at Lu Sichen, with deep eyes and a resolute aura, no matter how he looked at him, he looked so handsome.

He deliberately rushed over to save himself, and every time he was in danger, the first person he thought of was him.

What to do, I feel more and more reluctant to leave my uncle.

"Do not touch me!"

Three words break this beautiful atmosphere.

"I said that we will have nothing to do in the future, don't touch me again." Ai Yehe rarely gets angry, and always looks like he doesn't care, living a Buddha-like life.

Only towards Ai Xuanxuan, there always seemed to be some deep hatred and hatred, and her attitude was very bad.

Ai Xuanxuan was pushed down and sat on the ground, with tears in her eyes, she pointed at Bai Jiujiu, "Brother Yehe, don't you know how much my heart hurts because of her?"

Ai Yehe turned his face away not wanting to look at her.

Ai Xuanxuan knew that she didn't mean to talk too much, so she stood up and wiped away her tears, "Brother Yehe, take good care of your wounds, I... I will come to see you when I have time."

When he turned to leave, he cast a sideways glance at Bai Jiujiu, his eyes filled with deep hatred.

The resentful eyes wrapped around Bai Jiujiu's neck like snake letters, cold and viscous, making people feel uncomfortable all over.

 PS: Today's update is over, thank you cutie for voting, okay!
(End of this chapter)

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