kiss Ann, sweet wife

Chapter 296 Full explanation

Chapter 296 Full explanation
Lan Feiang had a gloating look on his face when he heard that, and finally he was no longer the only one who was stuffed and eaten.

In fact, Bai Jiujiu has a lot of questions, but now that the uncle is present, she is not easy to ask.

Lu Sichen's cell phone rang at the right time, and he couldn't help frowning when he heard what happened on the other end of the cell phone.

"I'll go back and deal with it right away."

Lu Sichen took Ji Zimo back, and people from Ji's family came to him.

"Xiaolan, look at her for a long time, if anything happens to her, I'll only ask you.

Yehe, I will definitely give you an explanation. "

After speaking, Lu Sichen kissed Bai Jiujiu's forehead again, "Have a good rest, and I'll take you home when I'm done."

The word "go home" warmed Bai Jiujiu's heart.

"Okay." Bai Jiujiu smiled at Lu Sichen, shining like a star.

Lan Feiang stared at Lao Yuan, and immediately said after Lu Sichen left: "Be honest, you were still looking like you were going to die before, but now it's like glue, what's going on?
What method did you use to get the eldest brother out? "

Bai Jiujiu looked at Lan Feiang's excited gossip face, with somewhat self-evident squinting eyes.

The corner of Bai Jiujiu's mouth twitched slightly, and he punched him.

"What are you thinking, so obscene."

Lan Feiang raised his panda eyes and said angrily: "I'm so wretched, I'm sincere! Do you understand sincerity!"

Bai Jiujiu smiled brightly, "Don't you want to know what method I use?

Say it's useless, how about doing it yourself to let you feel it? "

When Ai Yehe heard the story, he immediately moved closer.

Lan Feiang hesitated, looked at Bai Jiujiu with his eyes narrowed, his throat rolled nervously, and immediately explained everything.

"At that time, Yi Xuelan was chasing after my elder brother, and when my elder brother was trying to date, he got involved with my brother again for some reason.

In short, he played the big brother, and the big brother was very disgusted with women afterwards. "

Bai Jiujiu thought of Yi Xuelan's attitude towards Lu Sichen before. Although there was an element of deliberate acting, there was indeed a hint of admiration in that look.

As for why Bai Jiujiu could see it, it was probably a woman's intuition, otherwise she wouldn't hate her so much.

"Then... does Young Master Lu like her?" This question was a little tasteful.

"Uh..." Lan Feiang looked at Ai Yehe, and Ai Yehe immediately hung up, this brother really has no loyalty!

He is not the person involved in this question, so it is really difficult to answer.

"This, I have to ask my elder brother about this, the person involved knows best, right!"

These two unflattering questions are best thrown directly to the parties. Lan Feiang praised his wit!
Bai Jiujiu was silent for a while and asked, "Then your brother also wants such a woman?"

"My brother has always been gentle and considerate towards women. He never refuses anyone who comes. Don't look at me the same. In fact, he has as many women as a cow's hair. Compared with him, I am pure!"

(End of this chapter)

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