kiss Ann, sweet wife

Chapter 301 Worthy of being her man

Chapter 301 Worthy of being her man

Sure enough, Master Lu heard his great-grandson stare brightly, "You really have a way?"

In recent years, he has really worried about his grandson's marriage, especially about having no future.

It would be great if Lu Sichen's disease was really cured. This has always been his heart disease.

"Yes, you must know that Huo Weiting is my teacher, and I was treated on his suggestion.

You see, I am a woman, and he has no rejection at all when he touches me. Is this a good start? "Bai Jiujiu lied without blushing.

I'm sorry, Ying Bao temporarily borrowed your man as a shield.

Master Lu was skeptical, "Then, after you are cured, leave him!"

"Okay." Bai Jiujiu still smiled with a pure and harmless face, and his attitude seemed to be soft all the time, which made people feel powerless.

Master Lu pointed at Bai Jiujiu and wanted to reprimand him. Facing such a harmless and sincere face, he opened his mouth several times, but he didn't know what to say.

This Bai Jiujiu really made him irresistible!
She had no choice but to turn her head to face her grandson with a cold face.

"Chen'er, I don't care what you think, you have to go to tomorrow's date, unless you want to force me to death!"

Master Lu poked his cane heavily as he spoke, "I live here these days, and I want to monitor you!"

Lu Sichen didn't object and settled down personally, exhorting.

"Butler Bai took the old man to the hospital in the east, where it's relatively quiet.

You must take good care of the old man, take care of him 24 hours a day, and let me know if there is anything. "

It can be seen that the uncle is very concerned about Mr. Lu.

In other words, as long as she pleases Mr. Lu, it won't be difficult for her to be with the uncle?

"Come on, I don't want so many people watching me!"

Master Lu got up to leave, his back slightly hunched, every step seemed to be strenuous, but he insisted on walking by himself.

"Is Master Lu sick?" Bai Jiujiu was inexplicably distressed.

"It's been like this since the car accident, and now it seems that my body is even weaker." A sneer appeared on the corner of Lu Sichen's mouth, "In order to convince me, even the old man was invited out."

It seems that uncle doesn't plan to let Ji's family go, that's fine.

car accident?Bai Jiujiu suddenly thought of what Lu Sichen said before.

"Then the last time Yixue Lan gave you the photo, did you find out about that person?"

"I haven't found it yet, but I have plenty of time to spend with him. This person has always been the key. As long as I find him, I will know who the murderer behind the scenes is. I must take revenge."

"Didn't you say that you received a letter, which clearly stated that it might be your father's enemy. If you look for it according to this goal, the scope will definitely be smaller."

"I've checked everything you said, and it's irrelevant." Seeing that Bai Jiujiu still wanted to ask something, Lu Sichen said, "I'll take care of this matter. The other party is very familiar with our family. It must be an acquaintance who committed the crime. I don't want to expose Bai Jiujiu." It's dangerous for you to get involved."

"I'm not afraid!" Bai Jiujiu took the initiative to hold Lu Sichen's hand, interlocking his fingers, the soft touch went straight to the depths of Lu Sichen's heart.

"I have some good news for you. The surname Shao has stolen commercial secrets and sold them to other companies. New World will sue him next."

"Really?" Bai Jiujiu suddenly felt unreal when he heard the news.

"When did I ever lie to you?" Lu Sichen's words made her speechless.

"It's also him who cocooned himself. Before I did it so quickly, he had already figured out a way out."

(End of this chapter)

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