kiss Ann, sweet wife

Chapter 330 Biting is really hard!

Chapter 330 Biting is really hard!
It can be seen that their plan has been planned for a long time.

Ying Bao couldn't believe it, "What nonsense is this man talking about?

Obviously full of loopholes, don't those stupid fans have a brain? "

Bai Jiujiu laughed when he heard Ying Bao scolding: "You also said that you are a fan of brain damage, since you are brain damage, how can you have brains?"

"Forget about those stupid fans, how do we go out now, there are so many people guarding."

Ying Bao put on a bitter face, then thought of something, and immediately said: "Why don't I call Wei Ting to pick us up!"

Bai Jiujiu shook his phone, "No need, Sister Yehe is already waiting for us in the parking lot, let's leave directly in the parking lot."

"Damn it, that Yang Huaisi must have plotted against us on purpose." Thinking of her smug face, Ying Bao gritted his teeth.

Bai Jiujiu patted Ying Bao on the shoulder, "Don't be angry with this kind of villain."

The two got into the car smoothly, and Yehe drove with one hand, making them sweat for him.

"Sister Yehe, in fact, you don't have to work so hard." Bai Jiujiu watched his speed like a racing car, clutching the handlebars tightly, his stomach tumbling continuously.

Ying Bao couldn't take it anymore and vomited into the garbage bag.

"Short oil, do you think I want to? Didn't Young Master Lu ask me to take you to meet him as soon as possible!"

Listening to Ai Yehe's greasy, slightly sissy tone, Ying Bao vomited again.

"Currently only the BOSS's villa dares not be disturbed by anyone, Xiaoyou, get out of the car."

While speaking, Ai Yehe had arrived.

Ying Bao got out of the car immediately and vomited again.

Bai Jiujiu heard Ying Bao vomit, and couldn't stand it, so he vomited together.

When Lu Sichen went out, he happened to see this scene, and cast a sideways glance at Ai Yehe, "Remember to clean up quickly."

"..." He is a sick and injured person, devoted himself to his duties, and now it is his turn to sweep the floor!
Who is he provoking?

The back view of Ai Yehe sweeping the floor with one hand is particularly bleak.

Lu Sichen wiped away the vomit left at the corner of Bai Jiujiu's mouth for Bai Jiujiu, and smelled the incense for her, "Is it better?"

Bai Jiujiu nodded his head, feeling much better in an instant.

Ying Bao was alone, and could only be jealous, envious, and resentful as she watched the two show their affection, she avoided hot eyes and directly swiped Weibo.

After reading those articles, Yingbao was almost outraged!
"Jiu Bao, take a quick look, they're talking nonsense, they're all scolding you.

Say you ordered me to hurt Yang Huaisi.

Fuck!There is even a video of me biting her!
How can it be so clear? "

Lu Sichen took out his tablet and swiped Weibo and watched it with Bai Jiujiu.

Bai Jiujiu smiled and said, "Yingbao, your teeth are so powerful, it's no wonder that Zhonghua has good teeth, you can bite really hard."

Ying Bao was praised, and she had a rare complacency on her face, "That's why she bullied you like this."

No, now is not the time to be proud.

"Young Master Lu, what should we do now? Can you let them bully your woman like this?" Ying Bao defended Bai Jiujiu.

Bai Jiujiu, who was drinking water and gargling his mouth, almost choked to death with Ying Bao's words, so he took a piece of chocolate from the table and stuffed it into Ying Bao's mouth, "Eat more, you are working hard today."

Ying Bao's attention was instantly attracted by the delicious food, and she ate it unceremoniously, her stomach was completely empty after throwing up just now.

Lu Sichen stroked Bai Jiujiu's head, but said three words coldly, "Wait a minute."

"What are you waiting for? When the trouble gets bigger, it will be bad for Jiu Bao's reputation." Ying Bao, who stuffed a mouthful of snacks, did not forget to care about Jiu Bao.

(End of this chapter)

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