kiss Ann, sweet wife

Chapter 371 Stand Up For The Truth

Chapter 371 Stand Up For The Truth
Ying Bao's eyes lit up, "You can have this!"

Bai Jiujiu was happy.

When the two were joking, a sarcastic voice came from behind, it was B Jing Panpan, the student who was slapped by Bai Jiujiu last time.

"It's really shameless. A newcomer actually seduces the teacher. It's simply low."

Student A Shi Jing said: "That's right, that's right, this Bai Jiujiu is not a serious person at first glance."

Student C An Qiaomei said: "How can you hook up with a man if you are serious? Don't look at her pure appearance, maybe she is very slutty."

Ying Bao heard this group of people naming names and immediately said angrily: "Jing Panpan, Shi Jing, An Qiaomei, please keep your mouths clean for me."

These three people are exactly the three people who were taught by Bai Jiujiu last time.

"Oh, I'm afraid you don't know from your posture. The story of Bai Jiujiu and Teacher Yi has spread throughout the school, and there are still photos!" Jing Panpan said.

Shi Jing agreed, "Lin Liying, I advise you to stay away from her, so as not to be dragged down by her."

Bai Jiujiu frowned, "What photo?"

"Yo, you do things yourself, don't you know?" Jing Panpan shook his phone.

Bai Jiujiu saw it clearly. It was Teacher Yi holding her hand tightly. Who took the picture?

Bai Jiujiu directly snatched Jing Panpan's cell phone, condescendingly looking down made Jing Panpan feel oppressed, "Did you take the picture?"

"No, I didn't take it. I just took it on the school's blackboard." Jing Panpan flinched.

Suddenly a classmate ran in, "It's not good, it's not good, I heard that Teacher Yi was called by the principal to give a lecture."

Bai Jiujiu frowned slightly, got up and left immediately.

"Hey, Jiu Bao, what are you doing!" Ying Bao wanted to catch up, but was stopped by Bai Jiujiu.

"Yingbao help me ask for leave from the teacher, and take good notes, and wait for me to come back to study!"

Jing Panpan snorted softly, "It seems that Bai Jiujiu really has a very close relationship with Teacher Yi!"

"Shut up, if you continue to speak ill of Jiu Bao, believe it or not, I will tear your mouth apart!" Ying Bao stared.

Jing Panpan pouted, "If you don't say it, don't say it, what's the big deal."

Principal's office.

The headmaster tapped the photo on the desktop with his fingers, "Look, look, it's fine to flirt with the students, but it was secretly photographed. Doesn't this affect the school's image?"

Yiyang Hai frowned, "Principal, listen to me, this is a misunderstanding."

"Misunderstanding? Even if I know that you have misunderstood, will others think so?" The principal slapped the table with excessive force, and his flesh hurts.

"In order to avoid trouble these days, all your classes have been cancelled." The principal waved his hand, obviously not wanting to see Yiyang Hai again, "Let's go if you have nothing to do."

Yiyang Hai wanted to defend himself a few words, but this matter was still his own fault, if there is any impact on Bai Jiujiu...

He also had no choice but to accept his fate with a wry smile.

"No!" Bai Jiujiu stood at the door and stopped him: "You can't stop the teacher's class!"

"Who are you? Which class are you in?" The principal pointed at Bai Jiujiu and said angrily. The students are so lawless now, they rushed into the office.

Bai Jiujiu stood directly in front of the principal, "Bai Jiujiu from the financial class, hello principal, you can't stop the teacher's class.

The teacher and I are not in a relationship. If you stop the teacher's class, I am afraid that you have admitted it.

It is extremely unfair to both of you. "

(End of this chapter)

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