kiss Ann, sweet wife

Chapter 413 Don't Abandon Me!

Chapter 413 Don't Abandon Me!
Ai Yehe felt sorry for his tortured sleeve, listening to Ying Bao's words, the corners of his mouth twitched slightly.

Where's the weirdness? Hurry up and take people away, he can't take it anymore.

"Why do you think my family's Wei Ting can't treat me like this?" Ying Bao looked disappointed, "Is he sincere to me?"

Seeing her depressed, Ai Yehe persuaded her, "It's not easy. If a man really likes a woman, he won't allow her to be with other men, and he will definitely be jealous."

That's the case with Young Master Lu, the jealousy is so sour, it's not necessary.

Ying Bao's eyes flashed, and he immediately looked at Ai Yehe, "Good way, Sister Ai, please help me!"

Ai Yehe covered his chest with both hands, and said to the malicious eyes: "What are you doing?"

After that, Ai Yehe experienced the torment of Yingbao posing.


Ying Bao was very satisfied looking at the photo of her shoulder to shoulder with Ai Yehe, her lips almost stuck to Ai Yehe's face, this scale should be considered very large.

I don't know how he will react when he sees it, will he call her immediately to question her?

Yingbao immediately posted a circle of friends, as well as the coordinate address.

After waiting for a long time, I didn't get a call from Huo Weiting, but I got Ai Xuanxuan.

"How did you get here?" Ying Bao was puzzled.

Ai Xuanxuan ignored her at all, and said to Ai Yehe on the side: "Brother Yehe, if you want to save Bai Jiujiu, come with me."

Ai Yehe frowned slightly, but still followed.

Ying Bao clearly felt that Ai Xuanxuan was very hostile when she passed by her, especially the look in her eyes that wanted to eat her, which made her feel cold for no reason.

She didn't seem to offend her much, did she?

I looked at the circle of friends again, many people liked it, but there was no Huo Weiting.

Ying Bao sighed slightly, it seemed that he really didn't care about her anymore.

Ying Bao watched Ai Xuanxuan wearing Ai Yehe and sitting by the French window of a cafe not far away drinking coffee, and couldn't help but go in and sit beside them, trying to eavesdrop on what Ai Xuanxuan could do to save Jiubao.

Of course, it is necessary to figure out whether to save or harm, after all, this Ai Xuanxuan always feels that she is not a kind person.

Even Bai Jiujiu reminded her to be careful.

Ai Yehe went straight to the point and said, "Tell me what to do?"

Ai Xuanxuan directly took out the photo that Ying Bao just sent on her phone, and asked Ai Yehe, "Why can she be so close to you, why can't I?"

"You called me here to talk about this?" Ai Yehe's tone was a little impatient.

Ai Xuanxuan looked melancholy, "Brother Yehe, why do you have a playful smile when you are with them, and why are you so serious with me?"

Ai Yehe got up and left, but Ai Xuanxuan quickly grabbed his hand and said, "Don't go, Brother Yehe, don't go, I said, I said!"

Ai Yehe looked at the people next to him pointing and returned to his seat, lowering his eyes, "Let's talk."

"I can get Bai Jiujiu cleared of suspicion. I have evidence in hand to prove that this matter has nothing to do with Bai Jiujiu, but I have one condition."

"What conditions?"

Ai Xuanxuan faintly looked forward to it: "I hope that you can be with me, as long as you are with me, I will save her."

Ai Yehe looked at Ai Xuanxuan with a hint of anger, "Are you threatening me?"

"No, no, brother Yehe, it's not what you think, I'm not threatening you, I'm just begging you!" Ai Xuanxuan cried, her face was stained with tears, she felt sorry for her.

(End of this chapter)

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