kiss Ann, sweet wife

Chapter 422 I'd rather be destroyed if I can't get it!

Chapter 422 I'd rather be destroyed if I can't get it!
According to family.

Yixuelan told Yimu about Lu Sichen's grant of shares, "Mom, what should we do now?"

Yimu was silent for a while and looked at Yixuelan, "Be honest, did you kill that Xia Wanli?"

Yi Xuelan shook her head, "It's not me, but I'm quite grateful to the person who killed her, and even dragged Bai Jiujiu into the water."

Yimu breathed a sigh of relief, "It's fine if it's not you, I don't care if she lives or dies, I'm just worried that your hands will be stained with blood, it's not worth it for such a person.

Right now, Young Master Lu is coercing and luring us. If we disagree, Young Master Lu may regard us as enemies.

Everyone in the mall knows that it is better to be an ally than to be an enemy with Young Master Lu. Naturally, we want to sell this favor. "

"But, mother, what can you do to reassure father of his doubts. Father is deeply shocked by Xia Wanli's death." Yi Xuelan asked.

"I have my own way. Don't ask too much about my affairs. You, act well, and come back with a queen award as soon as possible. This way, I won't waste my years of hard work in cultivating you."

Yimu looked at Yixuelan lovingly.

Yi Xuelan smiled sweetly, "Got it Mom, don't you still know my strength?"

Yi Xuelan put her hand into her pocket, hesitated a few times, and then asked: "Mom, there is something I want to ask you."

"What's the matter?" Yimu asked.

Yi Xuelan took out this photo, which fell out of Lu Sichen's pocket by accident and was picked up by her. If Lu Sichen hadn't focused on Bai Jiujiu at that time, he might have been discovered.

Yimu took the photo and looked at it, her complexion changed greatly, "This is... where did you get it?"

Seeing that Yimu was so excited, Yi Xuelan said, "Mother, did you really have a past with Uncle Lu?"

Yimu's expression was complicated, her fingers stroked the photo, she had a more complete photo, this one was obviously cut, in fact there was a woman on the side of the cut photo.

That woman was the one who had a relationship with Uncle Lu, but Yimu didn't want to admit it.

"I did write a love letter to Lu Weijiang at the time, but it was a long time ago." Yimu's answer was somewhat ambiguous.

Not reconciled, Yi Xuelan wanted to figure it out and said, "Mother, did you really have a relationship with Uncle Lu?
You were also at the scene of the car accident, could it be that you really..."

Yimu directly interrupted Yixuelan's words, with a serious expression on her face, "I've said it all, it's all about the past, there's nothing to mention about the past."

"I just want an answer!" Yi Xuelan was a little emotional, she wanted to figure out something.

Yimu asked sternly, "What answer is that important?

If your father finds out, is he trying to force us to get a divorce? "

"No, it's not..." Yi Xuelan never thought of asking her parents to divorce.

Seeing Yixuelan's distraught look, Yimu hugged her daughter in her arms distressedly, "Xuelan, good boy, listen to mommy, don't let your dad know about this matter and this photo.

If you want this home to be safe, don't let your dad know, okay? "

Looking at Yimu's sad eyes, Yixuelan nodded in agreement.

Yimu breathed a sigh of relief, "Don't worry, I will take care of what Young Master Lu told you. Go back to your room first. I have some things I want to talk to your dad alone."

Yi Xuelan nodded and went back to her room.

(End of this chapter)

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