kiss Ann, sweet wife

Chapter 427 The Ring Is Enviable

Chapter 427 The Ring Is Enviable
"Just found out."

"Then why aren't you surprised at all?"

Lu Sichen looked down at Bai Jiujiu and said three words, "I have facial paralysis."

Bai Jiujiu couldn't help but snort, she never expected that Lu Sichen would tell cold jokes.

It was the first time she heard such a cold joke.

It's cold enough.

But when he said it out of his mouth, Bai Jiujiu was still amused.

"Am I really not mother's daughter?" Bai Jiujiu tightly grasped the corner of Lu Sichen's clothes, his eyebrows furrowed.

Lu Sichen looked directly at Bai Jiujiu, "You are, no matter what Yiyanghai says, Bai Xinlin is your mother, whether it's the kindness of childbearing or nurturing, didn't you always want to have parents before?

Now that you have it all, why bother to complain? "

It made sense for Bai Jiujiu to listen to Lu Sichen's words.

"You are right, I am too entangled myself.

Whether it's my own, or adopted, it's all kind to me,"

Bai Jiujiu didn't expect that within one day, her father, husband, and two people who are so close would give her a gift.

This made her so happy that it was like a dream.

"It turns out that I also have a father." Bai Jiujiu couldn't restrain the corners of his mouth from rising.

Wait, she remembered, if she was Yiyang Hai's daughter, wouldn't she be sister to Yi Xuelan?

She didn't expect that she and Yi Xuelan had such a bad relationship.

Fate really played a big joke on her.

"Don't think so much, just look forward to the wedding I gave you."

Lu Sichen caressed Bai Jiujiu's soft hair, raised Bai Jiujiu's chin to look at himself, "You should pay more attention to me, after all, I am the one who will stay with you forever."

Bai Jiujiu held Lu Sichen's mouth and kissed it, "Okay, but... that ring is too ostentatious, can I not wear it?"

Such a big diamond ring, not to mention vulgar, will definitely bring disaster.

"That one is for the envy of others. The ring that actually wears on your finger is still being made." Lu Sichen kissed Bai Jiujiu's finger.

Buy such a big diamond ring just to show off?
Bai Jiujiu's flesh hurts.

"Uncle, I'm still worried about Master Lu..." Before Bai Jiujiu finished speaking, a fingertip appeared on his lips to silence her.

"Don't worry, let's cut it first and play it later. It has become a fact that Mr. Lu has nothing to do with us. A better way is..." Lu Sichen scratched Bai Jiujiu's stomach with his finger.

The meaning is self-evident.

"No, don't, I'm not ready to be a mother yet. I'm not mature enough, so I'm irresponsible for it." Bai Jiujiu refused.

"It's enough for me to be responsible." Lu Sichen continued the unfinished business.

But he could feel Bai Jiujiu's fear. It seemed that he really scared her just now.

Lu Sichen kissed Bai Jiujiu on the forehead, "Go to sleep."

Bai Jiujiu didn't expect that Lu Sichen didn't continue, but just slept with her in his arms, which made Bai Jiujiu slightly relieved.

She bit Lu Sichen's lips lightly, venting her small emotions.

"Touch me again, I can't guarantee what I will do next."

One sentence scared Bai Jiujiu out of fear to touch him again.

wedding day.

"Jiujiu, your wedding is too hasty. You just proposed and got married within a few days." Jiu Bao said to Bai Jiujiu who was changing in the dressing room, "Even my aunt told me today."

"Uncle didn't let me interfere, everything was arranged by him." Bai Jiujiu opened the curtain and stood up.

(End of this chapter)

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