kiss Ann, sweet wife

Chapter 443 It's just making things difficult on purpose, what can you do?

Chapter 443 It's just making things difficult on purpose, what can you do?

And the person in charge already had a feeling of the picture in his mind, with a flash of inspiration, and he was very excited, "The method is good."

But...he promised Sister Yun to humiliate Bai Jiujiu, but...

Forget about it, let’s shoot first!

"Okay, you go and get ready, I'll see if your appearance fits first!" the person in charge said loosely.

The corners of Bai Jiujiu's mouth curled slightly, "Okay."

Bai Jiujiu walked directly towards Ai Yehe, "I'll leave it to you next."

He turned to Ying Bao and said, "Ying Bao wants to trouble you to bring over the men's equipment I bought from Taobao."

Only then did Yingbao understand what Bai Jiujiu wanted to do, "Good class!"

Ai Yehe's fingers fluttered on Bai Jiujiu's face, "I didn't expect to see you wearing men's clothes again. To be honest, I actually like your men's clothes, you are very handsome."

Bai Jiujiu's hair has grown to his shoulders, so he can only wear a wig.

When Yingbao came back with the equipment, he was stunned.

Can't help exclaiming: "Wow! Sister Ai, you are so amazing, is this Jiu Bao? It's so handsome!"

Bai Jiujiu opened his eyes and looked at himself in the mirror. His brows were firm and full of heroism, and the lines of his face were seven points resolute, revealing three points of natural softness.

The eyes only need to be sharper to be more handsome.

Bai Jiujiu changed out of his chest tights and a pair of denim trousers underneath. His hair was slightly curled up with bangs, and occasionally a few strands fell off, making him look a bit bohemian.

The people in charge all clicked their tongues, "This, this, this, is it really Bai Jiujiu?" It's completely different from just now!
"Exactly, let's start if there is no problem." Bai Jiujiu smiled at the gentleman in charge, causing many girls present to immediately turn fans and scream!

Some shot directly and secretly.

"Okay, okay, you stand there, after the shower you put on a cool pose, be natural, but be careful that there will be water dripping down, and you must not close your eyes, understand?"

Bai Jiujiu made an OK gesture.

Bai Jiujiu turned his body slightly to face the camera, raised his head slightly, brushed his hair with his left hand to ensure that the camera was not blocked, and narrowed his eyes slightly to look at the camera.

Cameraman, capture from various angles!

The water dripped down and fell into the eyes, which was extremely uncomfortable, but Bai Jiujiu endured it, and finally finished the shooting, and hurriedly changed back into women's clothes.

Wrapped tightly in a one-piece bra, only the shoulders are exposed, the hair is coiled behind the head, the hands are lying on the edge of the bathtub, looking straight ahead, and the fiery red lips are particularly dazzling!
The cameraman took all kinds of snapshots, no matter from which angle, they were all perfect. One moment he was handsome, and the next second he became charming again.

They have never seen someone who can switch into two roles of different genders, and they are very photogenic and have a strong camera sense. No matter which direction they are, their eyes seem to be captured by the camera.

It can be said to be perfect!

Bai Jiujiu changed back into his clothes, and Ying Bao immediately handed him water and a towel to let Bai Jiujiu dry his wet hair.

Bai Jiujiu took a sip of water to moisten his throat, then took the towel to dry his hair and walked towards the person in charge.

"How is it? Satisfied?"

The person in charge is naturally very satisfied, he has never been so satisfied, but he can't make Bai Jiujiu feel so good.

"No, you have to change back to the previous clothes for shooting!"

Bai Jiujiu didn't expect that the person in charge would turn his back on what he said, obviously the expression on his face just now was so satisfying.

(End of this chapter)

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