kiss Ann, sweet wife

Chapter 449 Follow Me, Forget Your Uncle!

Chapter 449 Follow Me, Forget Your Uncle!
"Jiu Bao, good news, Sister Ai told me that a movie you made before will be released! The director contacted you to go to various places to promote it." Ying Bao was delighted.

"Tell sister Yehe that I won't go." Bai Jiujiu refused without thinking.

Ying Bao looked puzzled: "Why? What a great opportunity this can increase your exposure!"

Bai Jiujiu raised his head and looked at Ying Bao: "Yes, that's right, but I'm just a supporting role in the movie.

The reason why the director contacted me was because the photos I took before became a hot spot on Weibo, and he just wanted to use this hot spot to promote the movie.

As for my small exposure, and after this mysterious veil is lifted, it will soon fade out of everyone's sight. At most, I will become their stepping stone, and I will not get any benefits.

Besides, the final exam will be in a few days, I have to hurry up and review, at least I can get into the top ten. "

"Then you wasted this opportunity for nothing?"

Bai Jiujiu shook his head, "I'm waiting for an opportunity."

Ying Bao didn't understand, and immediately changed the subject, "Didn't you watch the entertainment news these days?
The uncle in your family has been rumored to have an affair with a girl recently, do you really not mind at all? "

The pen in Bai Jiujiu's hand paused and rubbed his temples. Maybe this little girl is not an undercover agent sent by the other party to disturb her mind?
Bai Jiujiu said in an annoyed voice, "Of course I mind!"

"Then why don't you hurry up and find someone to confront, what if thousands of people will snatch your uncle away?" Ying Bao couldn't see that Bai Jiujiu didn't mind at all.

"They can't take it away. Besides, even if they take it away, I have a way to get it back. Let him hang out for a few days and wait until I finish the exam."


"Stop! Ying Bao, I beg you, let me finish this topic well, you have time to worry about me, why don't you think about failing the exam at the end of the semester."

Ying Bao looked at Bai Jiujiu who was engrossed, and always felt that something had changed in her, but it seemed that nothing had changed.

Forget it, the emperor is not in a hurry, why should she, a little eunuch, be anxious to death!

In fact, it's not that Bai Jiujiu doesn't want to, it's just that she can't regard uncle as her everything, falling in love with him seems to make many things out of her control, and he has become her center of gravity.

This will only make her repeat the same mistakes and make her only want to rely on Lu Sichen again, and lose her original heart.


When the bell rang, Bai Jiujiu breathed a sigh of relief, the exam was finally over!
And when she was seriously writing the topic, she didn't notice that there was a person next to her who was staring at her test paper at all.

How much trouble it caused her afterwards.

Bai Jiujiu called the cell phone that had been turned off all the time, and there were text messages and calls from Bai Xinlin, but she deleted all of them without reading them.

And she found the only text message from Lu Sichen in WeChat, which was a few days ago.

is an empty symbol with no words whatsoever.

The corner of Bai Jiujiu's mouth curled up slightly, it's time to find the uncle.

After thinking about it for a while, he sent a text message to Lu Sichen: Uncle, I miss you so much!
Bai Jiujiu didn't expect that he would be stopped and pushed into the car as soon as he left school, leaving no room for resistance.

Obviously, the other party came prepared and was waiting for her.

Want to say that Bai Jiujiu is not afraid?

Of course you are afraid, if you try to be pushed directly into an unfamiliar car by three or five big black guys, can you not be afraid of being driven to an unknown place?
Fortunately, Bai Jiujiu could also see that the other party didn't seem to be malicious, otherwise he would have tied her up long ago.

(End of this chapter)

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