Chapter 460
"You!" Lu Sichen's eyes suddenly darkened and frightened.

Seeing the critical moment, the door was suddenly pushed open, Lu Sichen reacted quickly,
"Brother Si Chen, what are you doing!"

"Get out!" Lu Sichen became even more hostile when his good deed was interrupted, and his fierce cheetah-like eyes made Ah Zhen close the door in fright.

Leaning against the door in a state of collapse, with such terrifying eyes, it was the first time she realized how terrifying Lu Sichen was.

My whole body trembled.

Lu Sichen regained his sanity for a moment.

Coupled with those pitiful eyes, which were as soft as a bunny, he couldn't keep his mouth shut.

damn it!
Lu Sichen had no choice but to put on the towel and get up to take another bath.

He went downstairs to the kitchen and made himself a cup of lemon tea. This was made by himself before he left. Fortunately, he didn't get thrown away.

Bai Jiujiu was drinking water, but someone scolded him, "You, you are shameless!"

Bai Jiujiu looked at the girl in front of him, who seemed to be called A Zhen, who looked like an uncle and sister to take special care of her, but judging by her domineering manner, she seemed to have no self-knowledge.

Bai Jiujiu smiled and said, "Why am I shameless? But don't you know that it's very rude to break into other rooms? Remember to knock on the door next time!"

"You, this is my home! What are you? Are you telling me what to do here?

shameless!Seduce my brother, get the hell out of here! "Ah Zhen didn't expect Bai Jiujiu to treat her like this.

Ever since the Lu family announced that she was a family member, everyone has been respectful to her, and no one has dared to say anything against her. Gradually, the inferiority complex and carefulness in the past have faded away, and the original self has become more and more forgotten.

He even hated himself for being so embarrassed at the beginning, and everything that changed was taken for granted.

"This is the uncle's house, even if you want to drive someone away, you don't seem to have any rights, you are just staying at the uncle's house.

Be polite, others gave you three points of paint, but you opened a dyeing workshop yourself?Do you really regard yourself as the master?

As for the word shameless, I will return it to you intact. "

Bai Jiujiu does not use dirty words when swearing, and his eloquence is always excellent, instantly forcing Ah Zhen to retreat repeatedly.

Ah Zhen wanted to refute, but felt that her words were reasonable and she couldn't refute them. Suddenly, she burst into tears, and the more she cried, the more wronged she became, as if she had just been beaten by Bai Jiujiu.

"What's going on!" Lu Sichen had already put on his clothes at this time, because at home, he only wore a casual dark blue shirt, but he was still extraordinarily handsome, as if he looked like a king in everything he wore.

"Brother Si Chen!" Ah Zhen immediately ran into Lu Sichen's arms, "Brother, she bullied me, she said I'm not a mother, and that I'm just an outsider, my brother will drive me away at any time, right?"

Through Ah Zhen, Lu Sichen sees his younger sister Lu Danzhen who used to act like a baby to him.

Lu Sichen stroked A Zhen's head, "No, the Lu family is your home, no one will drive you away, not anyone."

(End of this chapter)

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