kiss Ann, sweet wife

Chapter 465 Men's Battlefield!

Chapter 465 Men's Battlefield!
"Let's go when you're full." Lu Sichen strode away, and Bai Jiujiu grabbed the bread and followed.

Ah Zhen looked at the background where the two left, and snorted coldly.

"Bai Jiujiu, don't be complacent, see if I don't tell Mother Lu! She hates you so much, and you still try to seduce Brother Si Chen, just wait to be punished!"

In fact, Bai Jiujiu, who was sitting in the car, didn't want to understand. He didn't lose his memory. Why did he take her to the company so easily? She could take a taxi there.

In fact, Ai Yehe went to pick him up in person, but was rejected by Lu Sichen.

After seeing the person, Bai Jiujiu understood why Lu Sichen cared so much.

"Why are you here?" Bai Jiujiu took a sneak peek at Lu Sichen, and his face was really grim.

"I miss you, come to see you, and I'll give you money by the way!" Lan Tianhong directly threw all the contract script and other materials to Bai Jiujiu.

He didn't expect Bai Jiujiu to really ignore him, so he had to come to the door by himself!
But he didn't expect Bai Jiujiu to turn off his phone for Lu Sichen, rush over as soon as it was turned on, and didn't even have time to read the text message!
Bai Jiujiu ignored his nonsense and reached out to pick it up, but he didn't expect someone to look through it first.

Lu Sichen palmed Bai Jiujiu's eyes.

The atmosphere was quiet and somewhat awkward.

Bai Jiujiu looked at Lan Tianhong's wound, "Is your injury healed?"

"No, should you continue to help me with the medicine today?" Lan Tianhong immediately sat beside Bai Jiujiu.

"It's better to find a professional nurse for Shangyao." Bai Jiujiu politely refused.

Lan Tianhong smiled softly: "Is this how you treat your savior?"

"I..." Bai Jiujiu didn't say anything. He just felt that the cold air around him was falling so fast that it could freeze a person to death without even thinking about it. Only one person can emit this kind of cold air.

Bai Jiujiu took a sneak peek. A certain man was concentrating on reading the script and the contract...

This kind of calm and majestic aura, only he has such a powerful aura.

Ai Yehe broke into a cold sweat for Bai Jiujiu from the bottom of his heart, flirting with other men in front of Young Master Lu, it's really good enough.

But when did Bai Jiujiu become so familiar with Lan Tianhong?

What does he seem to be missing?
With a "snap", Lu Sichen had finished reading and put the documents on the table.

Lan Tianhong asked with a smile: "How is it? Are you satisfied?"

"Boss Lan is really generous." Lu Sichen's words had a lot of meaning, and it was obvious that he was plotting against Bai Jiujiu, and he sacrificed himself to please him and entrusted him with his favor!
High is indeed a brilliant move.

"Where is it, so it's settled?" Lan Tianhong extended his hand politely.

Lu Sichen shook his hand back, "Okay." There is no reason not to refuse money from someone.

The two shook hands vigorously, and there were crackling flames of war in the air.

Ai Yehe had read it before and didn't have any opinion, and since the big boss had spoken, he naturally didn't dare to say anything.

The most pitiful thing is Bai Jiujiu, it's obviously her business, she is still confused and confused after being appointed, as if no one asked her opinion!
"Hey, shouldn't you two ask me? I'm the one involved!" Bai Jiujiu endured the small flames in his heart, and said with a subterranean smile.

"After accepting this order, you will pass the performance test this month, so you don't need to resign, and I still need to ask you?" Lu Sichen's cold words blocked Bai Jiujiu to death.

Emma, ​​how angry!
Bai Jiujiu nodded and smiled in response, MMP in his heart!

"Then let's talk about the details below!" Lan Tianhong approached Bai Jiujiu again, and caught a glimpse of...

(End of this chapter)

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