kiss Ann, sweet wife

Chapter 472 Asshole Scumbag!

Chapter 472 Asshole Scumbag!

"Let A-Zhen stay with you, I don't worry, it's settled." Mother Lu held A-Zhen's hand tightly.

Ah Zhen smiled and looked at Bai Jiujiu with a provocative intention.

And the picture of this family really burned her eyes, as if she was an outsider.

Lu Sichen looked at the long-lost smile on Mother Lu's face, couldn't bear to refuse, and remained silent.

In Lu's mother's eyes, Lu Sichen's silence was tacit consent, and he agreed.

Bai Jiujiu smiled wryly, then turned and left.

Lu Sichen frowned and wanted to tell Bai Jiujiu to stay, but Lu's mother blocked his view.

"Chen'er, don't let mother worry."

His eyes fell on the white hair that appeared on Lu's mother's temples, and those sad eyes, Lu Sichen swallowed what he wanted to say.

At this moment, Lu Sichen realized that his mother was really old, and he had a tightness in his chest.

The eyebrows condensed into a deep river.

Looking at Ah Zhen's appearance and thinking of the three words Bai Jiujiu said as a substitute, he felt more and more correct.

No matter how much she looked like she was not his sister, he suddenly hated Ah Zhen.

Ah Zhen's whole body trembled, was it just her illusion?

Why do you feel that Lu Sichen's eyes were so cold and scary just now?

Lu Sichen gestured to Secretary Wu with his eyes.

Secretary Wu immediately grasped his consciousness and followed Bai Jiujiu.

In fact, he knew that even if the boss lost his memory and didn't remember Bai Jiujiu, he still cared about him, otherwise he wouldn't have asked him to track down who wanted to kill Bai Jiujiu just because of Bai Jiujiu's words.

However, the other party was clean, well-trained, and not an ordinary kidnapper. It was found that he was a desperado, and it was probably related to the Black God Society.

But the tail was neatly cleaned up, and there was no clue at all. Even if it was suspected that Yun Manni did it, but there was no evidence, he couldn't do anything with her.

Furthermore, her performance is obvious to all, and she is a popular person on the board of directors.

Lu Shao said that the timing is not right, now is not the time to touch her, wait for the opportunity.

Anyway, Yun Manni is already the BOSS's fancy prey, playing with it in his hands, life and death can be determined at any time.

Bai Jiujiu was in a daze, but he didn't expect to meet Yiyang Hai, his biological father, in the hospital.

She almost forgot about him, he had never appeared in her life before, so forgetting is normal.

Yiyang Hai just wanted to say hello to Bai Jiujiu, but he didn't expect Bai Jiujiu to pass him by as a transparent person.

"Jijiu, cough, cough, cough!" Yiyang Hai coughed violently in a fit of emotion.

Bai Jiujiu walked a few steps, and when he heard the heart-piercing cough from behind, he finally couldn't help himself.

He took a bottle of water from his bag and handed it to Yiyang Hai.

Yiyang Hai took the water, a smile gradually overflowed in his eyes, "Thank you."

"Go home early when you're sick." Bai Jiujiu left this sentence and wanted to leave, but Yiyang Hai immediately stopped in front of Bai Jiujiu.

"Jiujiu, will you go home with Dad?" Yiyang Hai begged.

Bai Jiujiu sneered, with an indescribable sarcasm in his smile, "Go home? Which home?

back to your house?Or go back to Yi's house?
The woman you married is not my mother, so is that my home? "

Yiyang Hai said sadly and angrily: "Jiu Jiu, listen to me, I love your mother, I really love her, but she wants to break up with me.

It was only later that I found out that she was pregnant with you after she broke up with me. I didn't expect her to abandon you so cruelly.

I have been looking for you for so many years, I have been looking for you together since the moment I knew your existence! "

But Bai Jiujiu was like listening to a stranger's story.

(End of this chapter)

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