kiss Ann, sweet wife

Chapter 474 You Arranged All This?

Chapter 474 You Arranged All This?

"It's her own fault that caused such a result, why should I cry?
Did she cry for herself and resent her for selling herself with money? "

The wound on Bai Jiujiu's heart had already condensed into a scar, and she couldn't cry at all.

It's obviously not worth crying over this kind of thing.

Ying Bao choked for a moment, and she didn't know what to say. She did sympathize with Aunt Bai, but she felt sorry for Bai Jiujiu even more.

Why!It's hard for her to say anything to an outsider.

Bai Xinlin was obviously awake at this time, but he didn't dare to open his eyes to face Bai Jiujiu after hearing what Bai Jiujiu said.

Tears dripped from the corners of his eyes, and fell on the corners of his mouth bitterly.

Muttering in his mouth, "Jijiu, I'm sorry, it's my's my fault..."

Bai Jiujiu heard it naturally, but she didn't say anything.

"I'm going to buy you something to eat."

In fact, she felt that the air here was extremely oppressive, so oppressive that she could hardly breathe, so she could only choose to escape.

Bai Jiujiu's tears fell very disappointingly, she thought she would not be sad about this matter again, it's not worth it!

But she never expected that she would still care so much when she heard Bai Xinlin's tearful apology.

She didn't want Bai Xinlin to be wronged. After all, she had the kindness of nurturing her, and she was her mother for more than ten years.

Feelings are not so casual that you can give up.

After silently shedding tears, Bai Jiujiu collected his emotions, ordered dishes casually, and packed them back to the hospital.

But I never expected to hear the news of someone committing suicide.

"I heard that the first aid was sent yesterday, it seemed that he couldn't take it seriously, and wanted to jump off the building."

"Which ward?"

"It seems to be Room 304."

Room 304 is not the ward where her mother lives.

Bai Jiujiu's heart skipped a beat, he let go of his hand, the vegetables fell to the ground, and he ran wildly!

His face paled with anxiety, and he muttered silently, "Mom, don't be in trouble, don't be in trouble."

Opening the door, Ying Bao leaned out of the window holding Bai Xinlin who was about to jump off the building.

Fortunately, both of them were fine and were stopped by Ai Yehe.

Bai Jiujiu swallowed nervously, closed her eyes tightly and adjusted her breathing, just now she almost thought...

Throat was slightly sore as if it was blocked by absorbent cotton.

Bai Xinlin cried out in grief, "Let go of me, why did you save me, don't let me die, why did you save me..."

Hearing this, Bai Jiujiu stepped forward and gave Bai Xinlin a slap in the face!
Everyone in the audience was stunned.

"Mom, wake me up, wake me up!
I have already said that that is a beast!You just don't believe it.

Now for him, you are looking for death and life. Is he more important than me and Bai Yu? If you die, what do you want me to do?
What do you ask Bai Yu to do? "

Bai Jiujiu yelled at Bai Xinlin, and hugged Bai Xinlin distressedly, "Mom, I'll forget it, please, survive for Bai Yu and me, okay?"

Bai Xinlin couldn't cry for a long time, and hugged Bai Jiujiu tightly and wept, each sound more desolate, the expression of grief was heart-wrenching.

After an unknown amount of time, Bai Jiujiu helped Bai Xinlin, who was sleeping peacefully, onto the bed, letting her have a good rest.

Ying Bao hesitated to speak to Bai Jiujiu, "Jiujiu, in fact, Auntie Bai has some difficulties, and she doesn't want to drag you down anymore."

Bai Jiujiu wiped Bai Xinlin's face with warm water, took good care of her, paused his hand, "What do you mean?"

Ying Bao said: "Aunt Bai said that as long as she dies, the money owed to Yi Xuelan can be written off. Shao Chaohua took that bank card away."

(End of this chapter)

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