kiss Ann, sweet wife

Chapter 476 Seeing Her True Face

Chapter 476 Seeing Her True Face

"She chose to accept the money by herself, and she made a clean break with you, and will never bother you again!
You love your mother who raised you, but what about your father, Bai Jiujiu, why did you ever care about his feelings?
Do you know how many times he was deceived in order to find you?How much have you suffered?
Did you ever know that the most innocent person is dad! "

Yiyang Hai took Yi Xuelan's hand and said: "Xue Lan, forget it, stop talking..."

After lamenting and sighing, Yiyang Hai seemed to have made up his mind and said: "If she doesn't want to go back, don't force it, don't force it..."

Yiyang Hai said that he would not force it, but his eyes were full of anticipation.

Seeing Bai Jiujiu's heart ached, he remained silent.

Yiyang Hai is indeed innocent, and what Yi Xuelan said is indeed reasonable.

She didn't come here today to quarrel.

"I came today to hope that Dad, you can terminate this contract.

From today onwards, you don't need to put money into this card anymore, and I will find a way to return the 100 million that was transferred to you. "

Yiyanghai glanced at Yixuelan.

"Okay." Yi Xuelan agreed very readily, "But I have one condition, you must live in Yi's house."

Only by grasping Bai Jiujiu's whereabouts in his own hands can she let her handle it.

"Okay." Bai Jiujiu did not refuse.

Because she knew that even if she refused, Yi Xuelan would not let it go.

Yi Xuelan wanted to go back to Yi's house by herself so much, so she wanted to see what purpose Yi Xuelan had!
Bai Jiujiu said to Yiyang Hai, "Dad, my mother is still sick in the hospital. I will move here when she recovers."

Yiyang Hai was stunned for a moment, "What did you call me just now?"

Bai Jiujiu smiled, "Dad."

"Okay, okay, okay." Yiyang Hai stepped forward and hugged Bai Jiujiu fiercely, this time she didn't hide and let Bai Jiujiu hug her.

Since she has decided to live in Yi's house, then Yiyang Hai is her greatest protection, she doesn't need to offend Yiyang Hai for a moment of anger.

After all, Yiyang Hai is also her father, and she can feel the love for her daughter.

This is the long-lost fatherly love?

Bai Jiujiu's mood is extremely complicated at this moment.

Yimu saw the closeness of the two father and daughter, which was particularly dazzling, and her eyelids twitched slightly.

Bai Jiujiu thought that Bai Xinlin would not stay longer, and she was willing to leave only after seeing Yi Xuelan tear up the original contract.

After Bai Jiujiu left, Yiyanghai looked at Yi Xuelan, and the more he looked at her, the more he liked her, "Xuelan, you are really a good daughter to my father. They say that my daughter is a caring little padded jacket for my parents. Now I have two little padded jackets."

There is an indescribable sense of pride in the words.

Seeing Yiyang Hai returning to the study so happily, Yimu said with an indescribably sour tone, "Is it just that you are so happy to have recognized an illegitimate child?"

"Lan Lan, why do you say you helped your father bring that Bai Jiujiu back!" Thinking that Bai Jiujiu was born by Yiyang Hai's first love, Yimu felt uncomfortable all over.

"Mom, instead of stopping Dad and making Dad feel disgusted and want to divorce, why don't we just push the boat along the way.

One is to let my father remember my goodness, and the other is to let my father see whether Bai Jiujiu's heart is for him or the adoptive mother, so that my father can completely give up! "

"You mean to make your father hate Bai Jiujiu, completely hate her?"

A vicious smile appeared on Yixuelan's face, "Dad is happy now, but he didn't see the true face of that bitch. If we stop it, it will be counterproductive. If people get along for a long time, many conflicts will naturally arise.

After all, the imaginary daughter is too different from the real daughter.

But Bai Jiujiu's change of attitude just now also proves that she is very smart, unfortunately..."

(End of this chapter)

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