kiss Ann, sweet wife

Chapter 480 Who set up the game?

Chapter 480 Who set up the game?

"Didn't it be rumored that you had broken up before? Why are you two still here privately?"

"I heard that you have already sneaked into the script, is it true that you still signed the contract?"


Just as Bai Jiujiu was about to speak, someone spoke before her.

"Who said there are only two people, am I not human?" Ai Xuanxuan opened the door completely, allowing herself to appear in the sight of everyone.

At this time, some reporters were dumbfounded. They received a tip that the two were having a tryst in a hotel, but they never thought that there was a third person.

Bai Jiujiu spoke at the right time, "Please don't make random guesses. We are employees of New World and we are just discussing the script with the boss in the hotel."

"Discussing the script in a hotel, do you really treat us like three-year-olds? This excuse is too much." One of the reporters said in a very arrogant tone.

Lu Sichen glanced coldly, and the reporter immediately shrank back, but seeing so many reporters around, Young Master Lu didn't dare to do anything to him!
Bai Jiujiu shook the script, avoiding the most important and focusing on the less important, "I like this script very much, and what I play is a female supporting killer in it. She grew up disguised as a man since she was a child. She is very dull about feelings and has not yet opened her heart.

And I have played this role before. I believe you have seen me playing a male guard in the recently released popular movie.

In addition, there is a recent commercial for bathing, where one person is filmed with two characters, male and female, and it is also me. "

As soon as this remark came out, it caused a lot of uproar. This is big news!

I have been guessing before, who is the hero and heroine in this advertisement, and the Weibo is all messed up, and it is extremely hot.

Bai Jiujiu was exposed, but if the person concerned didn't come out to explain, the credibility can be imagined.

Now Bai Jiujiu actually admits it with his own mouth!

"Did you really play that role alone? Or are you trying to grandstanding?"

Bai Jiujiu pointed at the reporter and said, "I remember you!"

Hearing what Bai Jiujiu said, the reporter immediately said vigilantly: "What are you doing, are you trying to hold grudges! We reporters have the right to know!"

There was another chatter, and the reporter and Bai Jiujiu were photographed, what a hot topic.

Threatening a reporter shows how poor his character is!
The audience loves watching this most.

No one expected that Bai Jiujiu's next words would stop their pens.

"No, I think what you said is very good. I just want to impress the public. When it is broadcast, everyone must go and see and compare it. How I am sensational!"


No matter how you listen to these words, something is wrong, but you can't find any faults.

And it seems to be answering, but it is very smart. Every topic is promoting its new play.

Seeing that the topic was off topic, the reporter immediately turned to Lu Sichen who had been silent on the side.

"Young Master Lu, can you explain? Why did the discussion of the script bring them to your exclusive room?"

As soon as these words came out, a cold current spread all around and rushed to people's hearts, and the atmosphere was oppressive and dull.

Lu Sichen said coldly, "Who told you this is my exclusive room?"

The reporter who asked the question originally wanted to break the big news, but he didn't expect to fall into the tiger's mouth. His whole body was trembling and he couldn't say a word.

"Invasion of my privacy, waiting to receive my lawyer's letter, and you..." Lu Sichen glanced around coldly, "Reporters report based on facts, and if anyone talks nonsense, I don't mind each person getting a lawyer's letter .”

 PS: Unknowingly, 50W words are fast, time flies so fast...

(End of this chapter)

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