kiss Ann, sweet wife

Chapter 485 Painful and Regretful

Chapter 485 Painful and Regretful
Seeing his hand being torn away by Lu Sichen, Bai Jiujiu begged, "No, I don't want uncle, please don't!"

Lu Sichen pushed Bai Jiujiu away again, but this time he did not use force.

Bai Jiujiu stepped forward again and grabbed Lu Sichen tightly.

Lu Sichen glanced at Bai Jiujiu, "Don't make me hate you."

The word disgust and the cold and impatient eyes made the blood in Bai Jiujiu's whole body coagulate, and he subconsciously let go of his hand.

Seeing Lu Sichen leaving the lonely back, Bai Jiujiu broke down in tears.

Squatting in the corner, weeping silently.

After an unknown amount of time, the door was pushed open.

"Jiujiu!" Ying Bao hugged Bai Jiujiu in his arms distressedly.

Ai Yehe looked at Bai Jiujiu's sad and tearful appearance, and then looked at the text message from Lu Sichen on his mobile phone: Take good care of her.

Can't help but sigh.

What are these two doing?
However, for such a situation, it can only be said that Bai Jiujiu had something to do with death, and since Lu Shao was injured once, his heart might be closed even tighter.

But only Ying Bao knows it well.

No one has ever experienced Bai Jiujiu's mood at that time, and just viewed it as a bystander.

In such a vortex of emotions and experiencing such things, how can it be possible to maintain reason?

If you haven't experienced that kind of pain, what right do you have to blame Bai Jiujiu?

As the saying goes, bystanders are obsessed with the authorities, and it is precisely because there is no emotional bondage that we can see more thoroughly.

How can it be so simple and clear if there is an emotional bond?
The human heart is the most complex, simplest and most contradictory existence in the world.


Yang Huaisi packed up the things left in the company and walked to the door of the company. No one came to see him off. He couldn't help but smiled wryly. It turned out that he could only see people's hearts clearly when he was down and down.

A few hundred meters away, there was a limited edition Roller Royce Flying Shadow stopped in front of her.

"I'll see you off." It was Yixuelan.

Yang Huaisi did not refuse to get in the car, "Where are you going to take me?"

"Leaving Shanghai, you can go anywhere you want with this money." Yixuelan handed a file bag of money to Yang Huaisi, "I'm afraid you just settled the fine for hurting someone with the company, and now you are penniless."

Yang Huaisi squeezed the file bag in his hand, there was indeed a lot of money, "This is the only friendship left between us?"

Yi Xuelan smiled softly: "What? You think it's not enough?"

Yang Huaisi shook his head, "I have something to ask you, do you really regard me as your friend? Just like Bai Jiujiu and Lin Liying?"

"Of course, you have always been my friend." Yi Xuelan stopped the car, "Here we are, at the airport, I think the money in the bag is enough for you to live a normal life."

Yang Huaisi looked at the money in the file bag, took a deep look at Yixuelan, and smiled wryly, "So you never regarded me as your true friend, you just used me all this time."

"I will leave here, and I will also leave this industry, the entertainment industry is the most ruthless world with its flowers blooming on the surface.

But seeing the new people laugh, how can I hear the old people cry?
I hope that one day you won't go through this, I really think of you as my best friend. "

She thought she got the most precious friendship in the circle, but unfortunately she was wrong, she got nothing.

Yang Huaisi hugged Yi Xuelan, and whispered in her ear: "As a girlfriend, I will give you one last piece of advice, you have to be careful of Ai Xuanxuan."

He left the money in the file bag and left without looking back.

(End of this chapter)

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