kiss Ann, sweet wife

Chapter 487 Young Master Lu has a woman by his side!

Chapter 487 Young Master Lu has a woman by his side!

Ai Yehe was stunned for a moment, and then realized that Bai Jiujiu had already substituted himself into the role, playing the role of a ruthless killer.

"Shouyou, it's okay, don't worry, it's just that she is addicted to role-playing now."

Ai Yehe thought to himself, could she lock herself up just to experience the character and grasp the feeling of the character?

Then integrate your real emotions into the character to release.

Really dedicated.

Ai Yehe's guess was right, Bai Jiujiu locked herself up to experience the role, and she wanted to play a trained killer.

Killers are often the most ruthless. This kind of role is actually very difficult to play. They are reticent and rely on body language to vent all emotions.

Especially the eyes, but in order not to be confused, it is necessary to add some of its own characteristics.

Only then can the audience remember her better!
The three of them came to the set, but they didn't expect that Lu Sichen was there, with a slender and tall figure, wearing a pure black suit not only made him more abstinent.

His handsome demeanor reminds people of Zhongnanhai's bodyguards.

He who has never brought a female relative, now there is a pretty figure beside him.

Ah Zhen looked around and couldn't help being surprised, "Wow! Is this a place dedicated to acting?

It's amazing, it turns out that these buildings are built indoors, and there are trees! "

Immediately stepped forward, knocked and touched again, "Fake? But it's so realistic!"

The prop master didn't come forward to stop Lu Sichen because of Lu Sichen's face.

Ying Bao glanced at Lu Sichen, and then at Bai Jiujiu anxiously. Bai Jiujiu was wearing a peaked cap, which was pulled down very low, making it impossible to see her emotions clearly at this time.

Lu Sichen looked around, but his eyes did not stay on Bai Jiujiu's.

Yingbao saw everything in his eyes, and couldn't help feeling sorry for Bai Jiujiu.

Lan Tianhong knew that Bai Jiujiu was coming, so he specially arranged his clothes before coming here.

Different from Lu Sichen, Lan Tianhong is dressed in warm colors, which makes people look very comfortable.

Coupled with his gentle and handsome smile, he is naturally more likely to be favored by women.

Lan Tianhong didn't expect Lu Sichen to be on the set, so he greeted him out of politeness.

"Young Master Lu? Are you here to inspect? This movie does not have your investment."

There was a bit more sarcasm in the words.

"Brother Si Chen brought me here to have a look at the scene. By the way, I would like to express my condolences to the artists under New World." A-Zhen smiled sweetly, with the manner and tone of a hostess.

Lan Tianhong glanced sideways at Lu Sichen with a meaningful smile on his lips, "Oh, it seems that Young Master Lu really loves your sister."

Lu Sichen just glanced at him coldly and ignored him.

Lan Tianhong walked up to Bai Jiujiu after saying hello, very gentle and attentive.

"Jiujiu, later you just need to sit on that tree pole and show your face to let the audience remember you."

Bai Jiujiu nodded lightly.

She naturally understood Lan Tianhong's reminder that the first impression is very important, and it is not so easy for the audience to remember.

Lan Tianhong looked at Bai Jiujiu, only showing a small pink mouth, and couldn't see what she looked like at the moment. He wanted to reach out and tear off Bai Jiujiu's peaked cap, but Bai Jiujiu mercilessly slapped it open.

Lan Tianhong, the gentle prince in love, was deflated again, but he was not discouraged and sat beside Bai Jiujiu to accompany her.

This time, someone in the crew started whispering, discussing the relationship between Lan Tianhong and Bai Jiujiu.

(End of this chapter)

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