Chapter 502

After the deal was concluded, the dark clouds in the originally gloomy and suffocating air instantly dispersed, and there was harmony and beauty.

Bai Jiujiu's tense nerves have also been relaxed. These two powerful characters are together, and even the air is filled with a strong smell of gunpowder, depressing and suffocating.

The aura of the two is too strong.

"In that case, I will take my little girl back and discipline her properly."

Yun Lingfeng suddenly thought of something, and immediately added: "Young Master Lu, it was not my fault that those people before were murdered and silenced. There must be someone behind to sit and watch the tiger fight."

Hearing this, Lu Sichen's eyes became even deeper.

After finishing speaking, Yun Lingfeng took Yun Manni away.

Before leaving, he couldn't help but glanced at Bai Jiujiu, and the corner of his mouth showed appreciation, "The skill is good, but it's a pity that the basic skills are not solid."

Out of politeness, Bai Jiujiu smiled and said, "Thank you."

Yun Lingfeng couldn't help but look at such a pure smile.

Lu Sichen noticed that Yun Lingfeng was strange to Bai Jiujiu, and immediately stood in front of Bai Jiujiu to block his sight.

Yun Lingfeng just raised his thick eyebrows lightly, and left.

Bai Jiujiu didn't expect that the underworld boss was much more sensible than his daughter.

Can't help sighing, "I didn't expect the boss to be such a kind person."

The corner of Lu Sichen's mouth showed a hint of cold sarcasm, "Don't be fooled by his appearance, you have never seen his methods before.

How could it be possible for a person who climbed out of a pile of dead people to have anything to do with the word kindness. "

"Just let Yun Manni go like this?" Bai Jiujiu's tone was a little unwilling.

"It's not a loss for you to get Yun Lingfeng's protection."

Bai Jiujiu didn't expect Lu Sichen to say that.

"After this time, I realized that multiple ways to protect you are more comprehensive." Lu Sichen took Bai Jiujiu's hand and placed it on his lips for a kiss.

In the past, he was alone and never knew what fear was?
But ever since he had Bai Jiujiu in his heart, he had a deep understanding of fear.

Losing her and losing her completely are two completely different concepts.

Hearing what Lu Sichen said, Bai Jiujiu was inexplicably upset, as if he was going to leave her at any time.

Bai Jiujiu wrapped his arms around Lu Sichen's neck, "I don't want anyone else, all I need is you."

"Huh? Want me?" Lu Sichen breathed into Bai Jiujiu's ear, and Bai Jiujiu's whole body shook.

This is a very dangerous signal, especially when paired with this ambiguous sentence.

"Your wound hasn't healed yet." Bai Jiujiu stroked Lu Sichen's abdomen with his fingers, "The doctor said, you need to be restrained!"

"...Know that's the case?" There was some complaint in Lu Sichen's words!
Bai Jiujiu gave Lu Sichen a blank look with an extremely wronged expression on his face.

She was obviously unintentional, it was just a natural expression of emotion, how could there be a theory of seduction?

"Since that person doesn't succeed this time, I'm afraid there will be a second time. I will let Ai Yehe protect you every step of the way, and you must be extremely careful."

"Got it!" Bai Jiujiu replied, really, do you treat her like a child?

The two are fighting you and me.

Secretary Wu's voice came from the door, "My wife, Young Master Lu, is talking about something, I'll report first."

"no need."

When Bai Jiujiu heard it was Mother Lu's voice, he immediately sat up from Lu Sichen and stood aside.

Lu Sichen looked at Bai Jiujiu as if he was afraid of his mother, and his brows froze.

Lu's mother pushed open the door of the conference room, and when she saw that there was no one else but Bai Jiujiu, she glanced at Secretary Wu, "Is this what you're talking about?"

(End of this chapter)

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