Chapter 514

If you touch Bai Jiujiu for a while, wouldn't your life be gone?

No, maybe he will have to change his name to Bai Jiujiu as Mrs. Lu in the future.

He has completely become a shared secretary between husband and wife, the boss is too unkind.

His salary was also deducted, so it should be increased.

You can please the boss lady in the future.

If the proprietress is happy, the boss will naturally be happy, and if the boss is happy, the money will drop!

Secretary Wu gave herself a compliment in her heart.

Bai Jiujiu never thought that she would take a break, and then someone put the idea of ​​making money on her head.

After arriving in the new world, Bai Jiujiu hadn't woken up yet. Secretary Wu wanted to wake her up, but Lu Sichen handsomely made a silent gesture.

Hold Bai Jiujiu directly in his arms.

Seeing this scene, Secretary Wu couldn't help feeling that the BOSS really loved Bai Jiujiu to the core.

I don't know how many people's envy and envy have been provoked along the way.

Bai Jiujiu didn't know it at all, and slept soundly.

Yi Xuelan was sitting in Lu Sichen's office, waiting anxiously, but thinking of Lan Tianhong's words, she was not so afraid anymore.

If Lu Sichen really wanted to kill her without showing mercy, she would at best turn to Lan Tianhong, anyway, Lan Tianhong said he would protect her.

The door opened, and Yi Xuelan saw Lu Sichen coming in with a woman in her arms, she was startled for a while, and then guessed that it might not be Lu Sichen's new love?

Could it be that he is tired of talking to Bai Jiujiu?

Thinking of this, Yi Xuelan felt a little joy in her heart.

"Brother Si Chen, you asked me to come, is there something wrong?"

Lu Sichen ignored it, and walked directly to the sofa in the rest area with Bai Jiujiu in his arms.

As soon as he put her down, Bai Jiujiu woke up.

"Huh? Are you here?" Bai Jiujiu just woke up, with sleepy eyes and a soft voice.

A smile overflowed from the corner of Lu Sichen's cold mouth, "Wake up, wipe off the drool."

Bai Jiujiu subconsciously wiped it dry with his sleeve, only to realize that he was playing tricks on himself again.


Yi Xuelan was forced to stuff a handful of dog food, and was ignored by others. When did she suffer such aggrieved?
I couldn't help coughing twice.

It was only then that Bai Jiujiu noticed that there was someone else in Lu Sichen's office, and he was the last person she wanted to see.

"Yixuelan, why are you here?"

"Brother Si Chen asked me to come." Yi Xuelan kept a gentle smile on her face, and couldn't help but roll her eyes at Bai Jiujiu.

I'm here, not because of you?What a fool!

Bai Jiujiu glanced at Lu Sichen, and suddenly thought of something, but he was not sure.

Lu Sichen received Bai Jiujiu's gaze, as if reading the thoughts in her heart, nodded slightly, and said coldly to Yi Xuelan: "You don't need to pretend in front of me, tell me, what do you plan to do for me?" deal with you?"

Yi Xuelan's heart skipped a beat, and the smile on the corner of her mouth barely lasted, "Brother Si Chen, I don't understand what you are saying."

"It was your plan to harm Bai Jiujiu."

Yi Xuelan immediately grabbed Bai Jiujiu's sleeve and said: "Jiujiu, I am your sister, and you are also from the Yi family. We are related by blood, how could I harm you?"

Yi Xuelan blinked her big innocent eyes.

(End of this chapter)

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