kiss Ann, sweet wife

Chapter 516 The Disgusting White Lotus

Chapter 516 The Disgusting White Lotus
Bai Jiujiu wanted to hehe twice, are you rich and powerful?
It hurts her to spend such a large amount of money!

"New World's account is settled, let's account for your kidnapping and attempted murder." Lu Sichen sat down directly, with a businesslike tone.

Yi Xuelan didn't expect that Lu Sichen would give her such a title. If it got out, her reputation would be ruined.

"What evidence do you have!"

Bai Jiujiu looked at Yi Xuelan still not apologetic, but became more and more arrogant. He couldn't stand it anymore, and said, "I remember the place where I was pushed down. The soil was very soft. It was different from other places. If you have been there The soles of the shoes have been stained with that kind of soil.

In addition, when I fell into the hole, I was pushed by someone. I must have the fingerprints of that person on my clothes.

Even if that person isn't you, just follow the clues, I don't think those people in the police station are idiots, and they still can't find the real murderer?
More importantly, if I sue as an injured person, do you think I can stay in the entertainment industry with these charges? "

"You, then you have to get the evidence!" Yi Xuelan still didn't let go.

Lu Sichen hiccupped, and Secretary Wu immediately handed the file bag to Yi Xuelan.

Yi Xuelan opened it and asked, "What is this?"

In fact, Bai Jiujiu was also a little curious, but when Yi Xuelan saw the things in the file bag, his whole face turned pale and bloodless.

I guessed in my heart that there must be something good in it.

Yi Xuelan's tone couldn't stop trembling, "Brother Si Chen, are you going to kill me?"

Lu Sichen still had a glacier face without any reply.

Yi Xuelan turned her head to look at Bai Jiujiu, "Jiujiu, I'm a half-sister, I helped your adoptive mother out, gave her 100 million, and helped you enter Yi's house, are you just so hard-headed?" Are you desperate for help?"

It's good that Bai Jiujiu didn't hear these things, but he couldn't get angry when he heard them.

"You said you helped me? Sister? Why are these two words so ironic when you say them, and you deserve them?

You used money to deceive my mother, forced her to choose between money and me, severed the mother-daughter relationship with me, and sold me to Yijia!
Are you helping me?
If it wasn't for you, I wouldn't be so weak that night, so weak that I had the idea of ​​committing suicide, and even broke the uncle's heart, causing him to be admitted to the hospital, and causing him to forget me!

It also made me feel guilty and regretful day and night!

Are you helping me? "

Facing Bai Jiujiu's questioning, Yi Xuelan was filled with guilt, but her mouth was still stubborn, "Don't blame it all on me!
These are entirely your adoptive mother's and your own choice, I didn't put a knife on your neck, did I? "

"Hehe, you are right, so my mother knew it was wrong, and I knew it was wrong, and we all paid the corresponding price for our choices.

Instead, stop talking to me like the Virgin Mary, it will only make me do more evil. "

Bai Jiujiu's fingers were trembling with anger, but he didn't expect Xia Shao to fall into a warm palm, which gave her endless strength.

Lu Sichen glanced at Yi Xuelan, said mercilessly and coldly: "Waiting for the lawyer's letter."

Yi Xuelan was shocked by the cold words, her whole body trembled.

If Lu Sichen was so persistent, it would be no different from ruining her.

no, do not want!

(End of this chapter)

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