kiss Ann, sweet wife

Chapter 518 Uncle is so domineering!

Chapter 518 Uncle is so domineering!

"No, Xue Lan, you know that I have you in my heart. Let's talk about it when I go back. Making trouble here will only make people laugh."

"No, if you don't make it clear, I won't go back with you. Lan Tianhong, don't try to fool me this time! You clearly said that I will deal with Lu Sichen after this drama is over!"

Lan Tianhong looked around, then lowered his head and whispered a few words in Yi Xuelan's ear.

Yi Xuelan immediately turned from cloudy to sunny, and immediately transformed into an elegant lady, smiling softly at Lan Tianhong, "I knew you were the best for me."

"It's good that you know, I'll deal with you when I go back."

Yi Xuelan smiled into a crescent moon, "Okay, I'll wait for you to take care of me."

This scene happened to be seen by Ai Xuanxuan, but the conversation between the two could not be heard from a distance.

But looking at their expressions and their ambiguous actions, they more or less guessed that Lan Tianhong and Yi Xuelan had an unusual relationship.

Hehe, but it has nothing to do with her, the bigger the quarrel between Bai Jiujiu and Yi Xuelan, the better, the snipe and the clam fight, the fisherman wins.


Bai Jiujiu in the office couldn't help sighing, "I didn't expect Lan Tianhong to be so gentle and considerate, full of passion, it's even better than Lan Feiang."

"Why, are you moved?"

A casual sentence caused chills everywhere, and Bai Jiujiu shook his head immediately in shock, wrapping his hands around Lu Sichen's neck, "How is it possible, the only person in this world who can make my heart move is you, uncle!"

The corners of Lu Sichen's mouth raised slightly, and he scratched Bai Jiujiu's nose lightly, "Don't pour me the ecstasy soup, I will accompany you to shoot the remaining scenes.

You don't have to worry about Yi Xuelan's matter, I will take care of it with full authority. "

"Yeah!" Bai Jiujiu lay still on Lu Sichen's body, begging for a hug!
Lu Sichen had nothing to do with her, and felt sorry for her leg injury, so he hugged her and left.

When they arrived at the theater, they were all waiting for Bai Jiujiu. The rest of the filming was over, only a few important shots of Bai Jiujiu were missing.

Bai Jiujiu asked Ai Yehe to dress her up, put on an ancient costume, and limped in front of the director, "Director, I'm ready, I can start shooting anytime."

The director looked at Bai Jiujiu's bandaged leg, but said nothing, "Then let's start."

Originally, everyone still had opinions, but seeing Bai Jiujiu filming with injuries, it was difficult to say anything else.

The first two were successfully passed at one time, and the last one was shot many times but failed!
The last one is the killer played by Bai Jiujiu, who died for the hero.

Of course, don't blame Bai Jiujiu, if you want to blame, you can blame a certain uncle who eats food.

"No kissing! We're dead and we're still hugging each other?" Lu Sichen scolded directly in a cold voice.

The male protagonist was so scared that he immediately shrank back.

This one was clicked.

"Don't touch her face!" Lu Sichen's face was very dark, if you dare to touch her, you will die!

The hero was so scared that he forgot his lines.

This one was clicked again!
As a result, the hero didn't dare to do this and didn't dare to do that, which made the hero extremely crazy, how could he act!
The hero himself called a timeout, "Director, I'll take a break, I'm not in good shape."

Bai Jiujiu glanced at Lu Sichen, a little dumbfounded.

"Uncle, it's just a touch, it won't lose a piece of meat."

Lu Sichen stared at Bai Jiujiu and said very seriously: "You promised me not to let any man touch you, have you forgotten, or do you want to break your promise?"

Bai Jiujiu was taken aback for a moment, she just saw a hurt expression in Lu Sichen's eyes.

 PS: I laughed when I wrote it, my Chen Chen is so cute!

(End of this chapter)

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