kiss Ann, sweet wife

Chapter 520 Oh, My Lady's Girlish Heart

Chapter 520 Oh, My Lady's Girlish Heart
Ancient hair is slender and covered.

No one could see what he was doing.

Only Bai Jiujiu knew that he kissed her and whispered in her ear, "If you can't accompany me, then I will accompany you."

Bai Jiujiu's heart was ruthlessly moved by Lu Sichen's words.

If it wasn't for acting, she wished she could put Lu Sichen under her body!

Uncle Ice Cube is so sensational!

After the end, the director watched it several times and felt that there was nothing wrong with it, but it was a bit unnecessary to bow his head later.

The people around were eating melon seeds and talking about it.

"Hey, tell me, what did Young Master Lu do just now?"

"I can't see anything blocked by my hair. Could it be that I'm kissing?"

"I think I should kiss the forehead!"

"Looking at it this way, the male protagonist is too scumbag, and he is tempted by the female supporting role!"

"I think they still have a bond. After all, Bai Jiujiu's killer disguised as a man has paid so much for him, and it was brotherly love before!"

"Yeah, I suddenly feel that Bai Jiujiu's men's clothes are so handsome, the screen is full of basic taste, it's so sweet!"

"That's right, old man, oh no, my old lady's rotten heart has been provoked again!"

The director had such a big reaction when he heard it, and he was talking about the plot. He hesitated to cut this scene at first, and it's good to leave such a suspense!
Forget it, keep it!Then turn to a close-up capitalized shot of the hero and it will be perfect.

At this time, in the changing room, Bai Jiujiu held Lu Sichen against the wall, stood on tiptoes, and tried to balance his sight with it.

Like Lu Sichen, he squeezed his chin, "You are so bold, seduce me in front of so many people? Are you not afraid that I will get you done?"

A smile overflowed from Lu Sichen's cold eyes, "Okay, come on."

This smile and these words almost made Bai Jiujiu bleed directly.

It's so handsome and good-looking, warm to the apex of my heart.

Bai Jiujiu felt that his smile was radiant, extremely dazzling, comparable to a superstar.

Fortunately, this smile only belongs to her, otherwise, having many rivals in love would make her extremely worrying!

It's good to think that uncle is usually so cold, just smiling at her is enough!

Bai Jiujiu felt that he must have saved the Milky Way galaxy in his previous life, and God sent such a black-bellied and ascetic man with a cold exterior and a warm heart to satisfy him.

His lips were all in front of him, wouldn't it be too bad if he didn't take a sip?

Bai Jiujiu also leaned over, what are your plans!
The door was snapped open, followed by a scream of excitement.

"Jubao, you are amazing!"

Ying Bao watched the play that Bai Jiujiu had just finished, with tears still hanging from the corners of his eyes, obviously moved by the plot just now.

The mood has not calmed down yet, after waiting for a long time, Bai Jiujiu has not seen Bai Jiujiu coming out after changing clothes, and he can't wait to find someone.

"Hey, Young Master Lu, you're here too." Ying Bao originally wanted to say hello, but she never thought that when she received Lu Sichen's gloomy and cold gaze, she was so frightened that she ran directly behind Ai Yehe to hide.

Bai Jiujiu was too close to Lu Sichen, she didn't dare.

Ai Yehe couldn't help but touch his forehead, he blamed Ying Bao for being too excited, he didn't even pull it.

Seeing Lu Sichen's desire and dissatisfaction.

Presumably Yingbao must have disturbed the good things of the two of them.

Bai Jiujiu's face was slightly embarrassed, and he coughed twice, "It's already changed, let's go out."

Looking sideways, Lu Sichen's face turned black, as if someone owed him money.

She did owe him a kiss though.

(End of this chapter)

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