kiss Ann, sweet wife

Chapter 532 Accept the challenge

Chapter 532 Accept the challenge
"How could she improve so fast in half a semester? The teacher must have copied my topic!"

The head teacher also became suspicious of Bai Jiujiu when he heard what An Qiaomei said.

"How do you explain that?"

Bai Jiujiu responded calmly, "My explanation is that I have worked hard to revise, and in order to improve my academic performance, I spend most of my time in the library.

Didn't the teacher once say that only lazy fools can stay the same.

My grades are based on my hard work, not plagiarism. If you misunderstand me, it will chill the hearts of more students who are studying hard. "

Bai Jiujiu's last sentence made the head teacher a little shaken, indeed!
She originally wanted to use Bai Jiujiu as an example in the class to encourage those poor students to study hard.

Seeing that the teacher was moved, An Qiaomei immediately added embellishments, "But teacher, Bai Jiujiu plagiarized. Can a plagiarism be a role model for students to learn from?"

"Don't spitting blood! Do you have any evidence?" The one on the left and the other on the right, is it really easy to handle Bai Jiujiu as a soft persimmon?
"This ranking is the best proof!" An Qiaomei tapped the list of rankings on the table.

"Hehe..." Bai Jiujiu sneered, "Teacher, it's really meaningless to quarrel like this. It's better to look at the ranking of the next exam. If I can still keep in the top ten, will the teacher believe that I am not plagiarizing?"

When the head teacher heard Bai Jiujiu's words, he immediately said, "That's natural!"

Bai Jiujiu glanced at An Qiaomei contemptuously, "Do you dare to accept my challenge?"

An Qiaomei felt a little guilty, "Why don't you dare!" Anyway, there are still a few months before the next midterm exam.

She didn't believe that her hard work would be inferior to Bai Jiujiu, a transfer student!

The head teacher didn't expect Bai Jiujiu to solve the matter in a few words, and he solved it in such a way to promote his studies, which won her a lot of goodwill.

"Since this is the case, you can prove it by your strength, and I will keep a close eye on the two of you in this exam. After the results come out, the one who loses is the one who plagiarized and must be punished."

Neither of them objected.

Leaving the office, An Qiaomei looked a little proud, "Bai Jiujiu, you are waiting to be trampled by me!"

Bai Jiujiu squeezed his fingers and creaked, but he still suppressed his anger by punching her in the face. A smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, "Okay, I'll be here anytime."

As soon as Bai Jiujiu returned to the classroom, Ying Bao took Bai Jiujiu's hand and said, "How are you all right?"

Bai Jiujiu shook his head.

Ying Bao whispered to Bai Jiujiu: "It was spread in the classroom just now, saying that you got the ninth place this time because of plagiarism."

"Someone is just spreading rumors."

"Is that An Qiaomei? I heard that you both had the same test papers for the two exams, so she said you plagiarized her, but it's clear that your ranking is higher than hers this time!
Also slandering your other courses must have been obtained by plagiarism, how annoying!
What kind of person, I could see how hard you worked at that time, if I didn't learn well, if I was jealous, I would frame you as a copy, I think she copied you! "

Bai Jiujiu didn't care at all, and just asked lightly, "What is An Qiaomei most proud of?"

"She is most proud of being recognized as a drama queen by the school. Every time there is a competition or something, she is the representative of the school."

"Then I will take this title away." Bai Jiujiu smiled domineeringly.

(End of this chapter)

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