kiss Ann, sweet wife

Chapter 537 Pull you to hell!

Chapter 537 Pulling You To Hell Together!

Yi Xuelan said: "It's not all because of your plan, it's because you are fully prepared to suppress him. I always think that you are the most powerful."

"Really?" Lan Tianhong looked at Yi Xuelan, Yi Xuelan moved her lips but was dodged by Lan Tianhong.

Yi Xuelan kissed the air.

"You're tired these days, take a good rest." Lan Tianhong gently kissed her on the forehead and left.

"..." Yi Xuelan looked at Lan Tianhong's leaving back, and threw down everything that could be smashed in the room!

Naturally, after that day, Lan Tianhong never touched her!

Although he still looked so gentle, she knew that Lan Tianhong would never touch her again.

Even she herself felt that her body was extremely dirty!

All of this was caused by Bai Jiujiu!
Damn it, Bai Jiujiu can go to school with peace of mind why she is suffering psychological torture here!
She won't let Bai Jiujiu have such a good time.

Yi Xuelan tightly grasped the fragments on the ground with her fingers, seeing her hand bleeding, she didn't feel any pain, instead she felt a little pleasure.

Yi Xuelan's eyes were stained with poison, "Bai Jiujiu, you ruined me, and I won't make it easy for you! Wait, Lu Sichen is almost finished, wait for him to finish, and see how I deal with you.

I swear on my blood, I will make you the number one in the nightclub!Let everyone bully you every day!
The shame you added to me will be repaid a thousand times and a hundred times! "


Bai Jiujiu, who was far away at the school, kept sneezing. Is someone scolding her, or is someone thinking about her?

Ying Bao thoughtfully handed her a piece of paper, "You don't have a cold, do you?"

"How come, I'm in such good health! Hajiu!" Bai Jiujiu sniffed and shrugged his nose.

"I think you are being envied by villains." Ying Bao handed Bai Jiujiu the second piece of paper very considerately, "After finishing these test questions later, don't forget that the senior is still waiting for us to rehearse!"

"Oh, yes, I forgot if you didn't tell me, what time is it?"

"It's almost eight o'clock."

"What time is our appointment?"

"Eight o'clock."

"...Why didn't you say it earlier!" Bai Jiujiu immediately closed the book and dragged Ying Bao to run wildly.

Being late can make a very bad impression, especially when meeting someone for the first time.

Ying Bao thought to himself that it was because he was afraid of disturbing you because of your seriousness in doing the questions, so he grumbled aggrievedly.

When I arrived at the drama club, I saw two girls standing there, and one of them was An Qiaomei.

"Bai Jiujiu, why did you come to our drama club? Could it be that you are the newcomer that the senior said!" An Qiaomei obviously didn't expect Bai Jiujiu to join the drama club.

"An Qiaomei, do you know each other?" Another girl asked.

An Qiaomei looked disdainful, "My classmate is just a plagiarist. I don't know why the senior would recruit such a person with low moral character to replace me!"

"You are really thick-skinned, you are the one who plagiarized Jiu Bao and even framed Jiu Bao! You are just..." Ying Bao wanted to argue with An Qiaomei, but was stopped by Bai Jiujiu.

"Yingbao, I've told you many times that some dogs catch people and bite them indiscriminately. We are humans, so humans naturally can't argue with animals. If you compete with animals, do you think you can win?"

Ying Bao listened to Bai Jiujiu swearing one by one, saying it was either a dog or a beast, and he didn't use dirty words when swearing, so he couldn't help covering his mouth and laughing, "Yes, Jiu Bao, what you said is too reasonable, don't argue with silly dogs."

(End of this chapter)

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