kiss Ann, sweet wife

Chapter 539 It's Emotional to Watch!

Chapter 539 It's Emotional to Watch!
When the time comes, you will be amazed!
Ying Bao turned on the phone video recorder, ready to record it.

"Okay, I can start." Bai Jiujiu returned the script to Han Xu, then closed his eyes slightly to adjust his emotions.

The main story of this scene is that Nan Sheng went abroad and Lin Yue was separated by the sea for a while, and his mood fluctuated greatly.

Bai Jiujiu opened his eyes, ran for a few steps, and stopped suddenly, his fingers clutching something intangible, everyone could see that she was grabbing the railing.

Immediately, I can think of her standing in the sea.

Bai Jiujiu stared in one direction, stretched out his hand to grab hold of something but only caught a wisp of air, his eyes were confused, "Nan Sheng, why did you leave me!"

Then she turned and squatted on the ground, her head buried on her knees, her shoulders shrugged slightly as if she was crying, and finally Bai Jiujiu slowly raised her head, a tear fell from her eyes, her tone was pleading and persistent.

"Nansheng, I have the answer to the question you asked me before. I like you, I like you, don't leave, okay..."

Seeing this scene, Han Xu couldn't help but stepped forward to hug Bai Jiujiu in his arms to comfort him.

He wrote the script, and he completely put himself in it, and his emotions fluctuated with Bai Jiujiu.

Ying Bao looked emotionally contagious, with tears in her eyes, and took the lead in applauding: "Okay!"

Bai Jiujiu closed her eyes tightly, and when she opened them again, she returned to normal, coughing continuously, and she just endured it hard.

Ying Bao stepped forward and patted Bai Jiujiu on the back, and after handing her a glass of water, Yu Wei, the vice president of the dialogue drama club, said a little arrogantly: "How about it, are you convinced?"

Yu Wei looked at Bai Jiujiu, "Have you acted before?"

Bai Jiujiu wanted to answer, but before he could say anything, he coughed violently again.

Ying Bao hurriedly answered for Bai Jiujiu, "I've acted, how come, do you feel very regretful?"

Yu Wei sneered, "So what if you've acted before? Drama is completely different from acting. Drama is more difficult and rigorous than acting. It can't tolerate the slightest mistake, let alone NG!

Did you just change the lines?This is taboo in drama!

It must not be set according to your own feelings, and the lines are not allowed to be changed at will!
If you don't even fully understand acting and drama, what qualifications do you have to come in?
Arrogance is worse than freshmen! "

"Yu Wei!" Han Xu felt that Yu Wei's speech was a little heavy.

Seeing Han Xu being so protective, Yu Wei was even more angry, "Why, did I say something wrong?"

Han Xu pursed his lips. What she said was indeed reasonable, but, "You are right, Bai Jiujiu has shortcomings, but you have not seen her advantages. She has a strong performance appeal and can pull the audience's emotions. , that alone is commendable.”

Bai Jiujiu said to Yu Wei: "Cough cough, senior, cough cough, teach, cough cough, the lesson is, cough cough cough, I remember, cough cough cough..."

Yu Wei glanced at Han Xu, what he said was indeed reasonable, and after looking at it for a long time, he still knew to admit his mistake, but in fact it was not as annoying as before.

"Since you want to come in, it's not impossible, but this role should be a fair competition with An Qiaomei, I don't like people who go through the back door!" Yu Wei left after saying this.

An Qiaomei was aggrieved and followed Yu Wei to continue to put on shoes for Bai Jiujiu.

"Sister, are you really going to let her replace me? I'm not reconciled!"

(End of this chapter)

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