kiss Ann, sweet wife

Chapter 543 Sweet Melting Sweetheart

Chapter 543 Sweet Melting Sweetheart
The door was locked to prevent Lu Sichen from breaking in suddenly.

After washing Baibai, when Bai Jiujiu came out anxiously, there was no sign of Lu Sichen in the bedroom.

There was a smell of food wafting from the kitchen.

Bai Jiujiu casually wore a long casual shirt and black shorts, and followed the scent to find Lu Sichen.

"(╯▽╰) It smells so good~~ What are you doing?" Bai Jiujiu poked his head out and looked.

"Omelette, try it."

Lu Sichen took one and put it next to Bai Jiujiu's mouth. It was still steaming hot when it came out of the pan, and he didn't forget to blow on it a couple of times.

Bai Jiujiu was softened by his thoughtful gesture, biting more than half of it in one bite, although it was a bit hot, he still couldn't help but praise.

"good to eat!"

Why did she have a sweet taste?
“This is the best omelet I've ever had!”

Seeing the happy smile on the corner of Bai Jiujiu's mouth, Lu Sichen's mood was also infected with happiness, and there was a slight smile in his eyes.

"Eat more if you like, there will be spaghetti and hot dogs later."

Bai Jiujiu couldn't help hugging Lu Sichen from behind, "Thank you, husband..."

Lu Sichen paused his hand holding the shovel, "What did you call me just now?"

Bai Jiujiu couldn't help it just now, but now that he came back to his senses, he was a little ashamed to hear Lu Sichen's questioning like this.

The first reaction was to run away.

But how could Lu Sichen let her escape so easily!

The wrist was tightly grasped by Lu Sichen, and the chin was pinched by him, and they looked directly at each other.

"Say what you just said again."

"Thank you……"

"The next two words."

Looking at her so affectionately, Bai Jiujiu blushed.

This uncle is really hateful, he insisted on forcing her to speak!


In the next second, her mouth was blocked, as sweet as honey.

Both of them couldn't help themselves, completely forgetting that there was something frying on the hot pan.

A burning smell spread in the air and covered the sweet atmosphere.

Bai Jiujiu suddenly pushed Lu Sichen away, "Honey, the eggs are burnt!"

"It's just a mess, I can still hear you screaming a few more times."

"..." Bai Jiujiu thought, when did the uncle become so naughty?

I've never seen him like this before!

"Don't make trouble!" Bai Jiujiu covered his face and pecked his mouth, "It's going to catch fire, hurry up, I'm really hungry."

Hearing that Bai Jiujiu was hungry, Lu Sichen regained his composure, "Wait."

"Well, I'll wait." With a smile on his lips, Bai Jiujiu sat in the restaurant area and watched her man make breakfast for her.

Think about it and feel infinite happiness.

Lu Sichen held the prepared spaghetti and hot dogs, "Open your mouth."

Bai Jiujiu opened his mouth subconsciously, and she was being fed in the next second.

Bai Jiujiu chewed it a few times, swallowed and said, "Uncle, if you spoil me like this again, I will become very delicate."

"I don't pamper my woman, should I wait for others to pamper me?"

"..." These words made her bones go limp.

"Open your mouth."

Bai Jiujiu had no choice but to obey. Unlike before, this time she was willing to enjoy this doting service.

"Where are you going after eating?"

"are you free?"

"No matter how busy I am, I still have time to spend with you."

Bai Jiujiu suddenly thought of Ying Bao's words.

How much a man loves a woman depends on whether the man takes this woman to heart when he is the busiest.

"Then we..." Before Bai Jiujiu finished speaking, the phone rang, and it was Ying Bao's call.

 PS: Is it sweet?Is it sweet?Is it sweet? (*^__^*) Hee hee...

(End of this chapter)

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