Chapter 561

Yun Lingfeng's face turned green with anger, he had calculated that Lu Sichen would come, but he did not expect that Lu Sichen would run away in such a desperate manner.

"Why are you still standing there, chasing people!"

Everyone looked at each other, chasing?Where to chase?Below is the cliff!
Wouldn't it be suicide to ask them to jump into the sea one by one?

They can wield knives and guns, but rock climbing and lurking are not what they are good at.

Hence, Yun Lingfeng could only watch helplessly as Bai Jiujiu and others escaped.

He never expected that this natural barrier would actually harm himself.

Bai Jiujiu jumped off the cliff and fell into the sea. She tasted the taste of suffocation for the first time.

Bai Jiujiu felt that he had never been so close to death, as if he could touch it with his hand.

In the sea, she vaguely saw a tough face.

Uncle, I knew you would come to save me.

Bai Jiujiu's body kept sinking, and Bai Jiujiu tried his best to relax himself to slow down his sinking speed.

It didn't take long for Bai Jiujiu to feel that he was being lifted up gradually.

Bai Jiujiu was dragged onto the boat in a daze, and then breathed out. Bai Jiujiu was very familiar with the smell.

"Big, cough, cough, cough..." As soon as he spoke, Bai Jiujiu only felt that liquid had entered her throat and choked her, causing her to cough and vomit a puddle of sea water before her lungs entered the air.

Bai Jiujiu continuously breathed in the fresh air with big gulps, and his vision gradually became clear after he paused for a while.

Familiar eyebrows, familiar eyes, familiar lips, familiar face shape.

It seemed that Bai Jiujiu hadn't seen this familiar face for a long, long time.

"Uncle!" Bai Jiujiu just opened his mouth, his eyes were already moist.

"I'm here!" Lu Sichen hugged Bai Jiujiu tightly in his arms, as if he wanted to rub her into his bones, "I'm here."

"I miss you, miss you so much!"

"I know."

Bai Jiujiu directly wrapped around Lu Sichen's neck, lowered his head, and kissed him.

Lu Sichen put his arms around her waist, as long as she liked, he would cooperate.

The phantom standing on the side only felt that she was in the way as much as a [-]-watt light bulb was on, and wished she could be buried in the soil and jump into the sea.

Emma, ​​this is exciting!
How long have I known my eldest brother, I thought that my eldest brother would never touch fish, but now it seems that it is not that he does not touch it, but that he looks down on it!

At present, the offspring of the eldest brother who is thirty years old is expected, and maybe he will become a sister-in-law in a short time.

But Phantom didn't know that their eldest brother hasn't finished the matter yet!
This little nephew doesn't know when he will be able to jump out.

The two were lingering for a long time before they could part.

"How did you come in to save me just now? Did you really fly in?" When Bai Jiujiu thought that Lu Sichen seemed to have flown to the one-meter-wide window, he was simply stupefied.

"It's a hang glider. I asked Ai Yehe to prepare it for me. It just happens to be very suitable for this place."

"That's cool, take me to try next time?"

Lu Sichen looked at Bai Jiujiu's excited face, stroked her head, with infinite love in his eyes, "Okay."

As long as you like, it's all up to you.

Bai Jiujiu was in a good mood, and felt that the saliva he swallowed was sweet.

Hearing a slight cough, it turned out that there were not only the two of them on the small yacht, but another one.

"You are?" Bai Jiujiu looked curiously at the phantom who was only showing a pair of eyes at this time, and the clothes on her body were also very special, as if they were custom-made.

(End of this chapter)

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