kiss Ann, sweet wife

Chapter 563: Ghost of Ice

Chapter 563: Ghost of Ice
Bai Jiujiu blinked, even in such a hurry, Ai Yehe still made her look so good, the skill is really unremarkable.

"Jiu Bao!" Ying Bao hugged her tightly as soon as he saw Jiu Bao, "You are such a sex-forgotten fellow, you never even said a word when you went out with Lu Sichen, and completely forgot about me! Bring it here!"

Bai Jiujiu looked at Yingbao stretching out his hand, with a confused look on his face, "What are you taking?"

Ying Bao looked at Bai Jiujiu with a dull expression on his face, and couldn't help but said, "Damn it, isn't it, Jiu Bao, you have been out with him for so long, and you didn't even buy me any presents? You are too unkind."

Bai Jiujiu wanted to cry, but she almost died. How could she have time to buy a gift for Ying Bao, and said, "Yes, but I didn't bring it with me. I'll give it to you when the Golden Rooster Awards are over."

"I knew Jiu Bao was the best for me!" Ying Bao was about to kiss Jiu Bao, but stopped because of the powder on her face, and continued: "You don't know, that guy Yi Xuelan is really bad. I directly called Sister Ai away, but fortunately, Sister Ai was already prepared, thump, thump, thump!"

"Look, this is the dress Sister Ai prepared for you, doesn't it look good!" Ying Bao pushed out the dress hidden behind the curtain.

Bai Jiujiu was shocked when he saw the dress on the fake model!
It is simply beautiful.

The price may seem expensive at first glance.

Seeing the hesitation in Jiu Bao's eyes, Ying Bao said, "It's okay, who told you that your husband is rich, and tonight's occasion is very important, so don't let Yi Xuelan compare to you."

Bai Jiujiu didn't pretend to change clothes directly, but Ying Bao's two calls of "husband" made her somewhat shy.

Bai Jiujiu didn't know that the dress she was wearing was called Ice Ghost.

Just [-] bolts of ice silk, not to mention the embroiderers on it.

And Ice Ghost is the work of Ai Yehe's painstaking efforts for a long time.

The tail wings dragged by the Ice Ghost are like a peacock spreading its tail. It is so majestic that no one can ignore its charm.

Ying Bao looked at Jiu Bao who was dressed in shock.

"Wow, Jiubao, it seems that once you wear it, it seems to come alive, every step you take, it will emit a glowing light!"

Naturally, Bai Jiujiu couldn't put it down, paired with high heels, he looked like a queen.

"Jiubao, tonight you will definitely overwhelm the crowd, but Yixuelan is also so courageous that she dares to use Sister Ai, isn't she afraid that Sister Ai will make her ugly?"

Bai Jiujiu shook his head, "Sister He Ye wouldn't do that, on the contrary, he would dress up Yi Xuelan even more beautifully."

"Why! Why is Sister Ai treating her so well? It's just a one-time help. What if she overwhelms you?" Ying Bao looked puzzled.

"You think, if Sister Yehe embarrasses Yixuelan on purpose and smashes her own brand, then she will also push the rumors on me, which will do us no good.

But if Sister Yehe dresses her up beautifully, but I suppress her, I can only blame her for her inferior skills, wouldn't it be even more embarrassing for her? "

"That's right!" Ying Bao suddenly realized, "I didn't expect Sister Ai to be quite scheming."

"..." Bai Jiujiu couldn't bear to expose it, it was because you were too naive.

Banquet scene.

Bai Jiujiu was picked up by a special car, Yingbao looked more nervous than Bai Jiujiu, with his hands crossed and sweaty palms.

"Jubao, don't be nervous! Especially when you see those international superstars, you must calm down!"

sweat!Bai Jiujiu looked at Ying Bao who was more nervous than himself, and had the illusion that Ying Bao was going to go on the red carpet.

(End of this chapter)

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